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Eating Trouble

lou lou

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Hi everyone new to forum.

Rescued a greyhound 3 years ago,she has always had a healthy appetite but after a recent trip to the vets(swollen gland in neck) and a couple of days treatment she is refusing to eat standard dog foods and meat.

She will take cheese and sweet things in an attempt to make her eat but she wont take it.she is drinking ok and gland is not swollen anymore.

We think its a nervous thing as she starts to pant when her food is put down(similar pant to when the dreaded fireworks are about).

We think it is linked to trip to vets as she was terrified.

Any tips before i book another trip to the vets?

Thanks in advance Chris.
Try putting her food in a different place and in a different bowl, might work. Or put it on the floor, I found I could get a fussy eater to scoff his food if I chucked it on the kitchen floor!

Also leave her alone to eat, just put it down and walk away.

Hope that gives you a couple of ideas.
Good suggestion to change the routine. Perhaps she had a sore throat and eating was painful when her gland was swollen and now she thinks eating is going to hurt?

I'd try adding tasty treats like sardines or scrambled egg to her food for a couple of meals and see if that tempts her. Soaking her food to make it softer might help too.

If it goes on for more than a day or two it would be worth another trip to the vet just to make sure she's OK. What are her teeth like? A lot of ex-racers have very grotty teeth and if her teeth or gums are sore that could put her off eating.

Good luck, I hope she's OK and you manage to get her eating again. :luck:
Thanks for the quick replies a couple of ideas to try. :)

Teeth are fine maybe a sore throat though,but she will take cheese slices.

She has been hard work from the start(nerves)and has at times been really frustrating but not eating has never been a problem.

She did eat a little yesterday whilst in the car which maybe a safety zone for her.

Can't help thinking this may even go back to before we had her.

Worried sick about her as she is a big part of the family :wub:

Thanks again Chris and family.
Try putting her food in a different place and in a different bowl, might work. Or put it on the floor, I found I could get a fussy eater to scoff his food if I chucked it on the kitchen floor!Also leave her alone to eat, just put it down and walk away.

Hope that gives you a couple of ideas.
got to say thats what iv done and afrer say a week of doing it they get there appitit back and eat again. its worked every time for some reson food all over the floor is much nicer to them yuk lol
Lou Lou picked up and started to eat again but has gone back to picking/not eating properly.Another trip to vets last week and blood test taken(which came back fine) she has to go back next week for more tests which we hope will be fine.

Vet told us that because the blood test was clear she could not rule out a type of cancer.

Now off to asda for a ready cooked chicken for her.

regards Chris and family.
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Had 4 trips to vets now and after x-rays Lou Lou checked out fine.Vet says she has a possible slipped disc and has been put on steroids and strict rest for 3 weeks(she will love that).

Seems the not eating was due to being in pain.

Anyone had experience with these symptoms?
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Yes, my elderly whippet stopped eating properly because he was in pain, it took a while to find this out. He had a problem in his neck. Pain will put some dogs off eating.

Sadly my whippet had to be PTS as the vet couldn't do anything to help him, the pain relief didn't work and the idea of an operation with a 50/50 chance of him ending up paralysed, we decided to let him go.

I am sure your poor greyhound will be okay now you know the problem, just take each day at a time, loads of tlc. My thoughts are with you.
our milos 12 now and has athritic in his neck and spine some days if hes sore he wont eat till we fined just the right hight for his bowl and it can change from day to day. Its just getting things comfe for him he is the bigest wimp in the world and his athritis is quiet miled at the momnet and can go from ohh ouch carnt eat my food at that hight to running after the pups in the back gardne in the space of 10 minets lol
Had 4 trips to vets now and after x-rays Lou Lou checked out fine.Vet says she has a possible slipped disc and has been put on steroids and strict rest for 3 weeks(she will love that).Seems the not eating was due to being in pain.

Anyone had experience with these symptoms?
If she is not exercising as much she does not need as much food. I am glad that the vet has given you a diagnoses, but do not let your hound fool you, if you feed them chicken and cheese you will never get them back on the dog food, hide the chicken under the dog food. I find mine can be a bit manipulative about food and tell me all sorts of stories about when they were racing the trainer ordered in piazza!!
I don't think it's particularly abnormal for any dog to alter it's behaviour when in pain and how we react to a stimulus is always varied between the individual. I have a nervy bitch and the first thing to go with her is her appeitite and I'm sure there are many many more dogs out there like this.

Sighthounds do have a pre-disposition to slipped discs / trapped nerves / lumbago etc, and common things are common so I would hope you'd see an improvement soon. Additionally, the steroids may have an appetite stimulating effect on her which may be beneficial if she's suffered weight loss.

Only other thing, what was the lymph node related to? Did vet give her anti-biotics and then it went or did it go on it's own accord?

Also did the vet look inside her throat while she was sedated for x-rays? I presume they did.

Just another niggle- what's this about not being able to rule out a particular type of cancer?

Sorry to barrage questions at you but I'm sure you must of got an awful fright when the big C was mentioned and think that your vet should be keeping you informed as much as possible in such circumstances.
I don't think it's particularly abnormal for any dog to alter it's behaviour when in pain and how we react to a stimulus is always varied between the individual. I have a nervy bitch and the first thing to go with her is her appeitite and I'm sure there are many many more dogs out there like this.Sighthounds do have a pre-disposition to slipped discs / trapped nerves / lumbago etc, and common things are common so I would hope you'd see an improvement soon. Additionally, the steroids may have an appetite stimulating effect on her which may be beneficial if she's suffered weight loss.

Only other thing, what was the lymph node related to? Did vet give her anti-biotics and then it went or did it go on it's own accord?

Also did the vet look inside her throat while she was sedated for x-rays? I presume they did.

Just another niggle- what's this about not being able to rule out a particular type of cancer?

Sorry to barrage questions at you but I'm sure you must of got an awful fright when the big C was mentioned and think that your vet should be keeping you informed as much as possible in such circumstances.
Hi gland went down by itself the vet mentioned possible burst blood vessel but not to sure myself,cancer ruled out as glands were not swolen enough to do a biopsy.She had full throat and mouth inspection along with the x ray while she was under anesthetic.

We eventuallywent for x ray as she developed a severe limp and was struggling to get up and lay down

Thursday morning.(she seemed to be on the mend until then).

She is doing fine after the ordeal of yesterday.
Sounds like your being kept in the know about everything, we recently had a dog that had a sinus in his throat, his only symptom being a lymph node swelling but the whole thing turned out to be a nightmare to treat. You can imagine my concern when I read similar in your posts.

I'm glad she's on the mend and hope her appetite's picked up. :luck:
Treatment not going as well as we hoped we have more bad days than good,think this is going to be a long job :( .

She is eating though and her bald thighs are thick with hair now.(she also loves the new ramp which takes her to the comfy back seat of the car :))
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Sorry to read that the treatment is not going as well as hoped. Can I ask exactly what the treatment is? And is it still a 'possible' slipped disc or has this been confirmed now? I ask because if you don't have a definite diagnosis and after 3 weeks you aren't happy with progress their might be other possibilities and options that you want to pursue, e.g. second opinion/canine osteopath/galen therapy, etc. etc. etc.

Be well Lou Lou

Sorry to read that the treatment is not going as well as hoped. Can I ask exactly what the treatment is? And is it still a 'possible' slipped disc or has this been confirmed now? I ask because if you don't have a definite diagnosis and after 3 weeks you aren't happy with progress their might be other possibilities and options that you want to pursue, e.g. second opinion/canine osteopath/galen therapy, etc. etc. etc.
Be well Lou Lou

Hi,she has been put on a strong course of steroids,now down to half a tablet a day.

Also noticed she is now sleeping deeply(heavy breathing) probably due to steroids.

May have to have a 3rd opinion as she does not seem to be getting better as quick as i thought she might,on the plus side she is not getting worse.
For recovery from a back injury, even a mild one, three weeks is not that long, but my experience - admittedly with dachshunds not running dogs - is that where there is no need for surgery you'll get the best results with rest and physio of some kind ... steroids (particularly epidural steroids) can support the healing process but physical therapy is usually indicated ... maybe have a chat with your vet about the physical therapy options.


Really struggling now as she has an infection,all legs are swollen(really swollen) and she smells awful.On antibiotics now and vet said she will be fine.

Could this infection have been the problem from the start?As ticks and even snake bites were mentioned for the first time today.

Got me thinking about the swollen neck and lip which started all this and she is walked where she is likely to encounter both.

Lou Lou has really been through it latley :(
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Poor Lou Lou :(

I have just seen this thread and it sounds like she may have lymphangitis - basically an infection of the lymphatic system which is caused by bateria entering, via a cut, bite etc etc.

I'm glad she is getting the antibiotics she needs as lymphangitis is very painful and distressing and would certainly cause her to be off her food!! It can also recur if the treatment doesn't stamp out the infection completely so you will need to keep an close eye on her.

Good luck for a full recovery :luck: - if it is lymphangitis, I have had horses with this a few times and they have all returned to normality once the correct diagnosis and medication was given :thumbsup:
:D hi

we have greyhounds as well as lurcers and one of our geyhounds has had a back need to get in cotact with george drake the best kiro practor for greyhounds.he will sort out her back troubles for you.he is based in peterbourgh :D

:luck: with her

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