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Emptied Dog Anal Glands.....


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Hey Guys,

I took Wills to the vet last weekend to have her anal glands emptied. The vet said they were quite full, but not infected.

Now yesterday and today I notice she is chasing her tail, licking down there as well as scooting occasionally.

Do you think they would need emptied again so soon? :unsure:

I don't really want to have to try emptying them myself, but if it's gonna need done this often, I'm gonna have to learn! :blink:

Is there anything I can do to help this problem? Any experaince or opinions welcome! :thumbsup:
I wouldn't have thought she would need them emptying again so soon.

It could be that she has an itchy bottom :b

Is her poop firm and does she have plenty of fibre in her diet??

If she doesn't have plenty of fibre , then her poop might not be firm enough to empty the glands when she goes to poop.

Some dogs do have problems with their glands and do need assistance with it.

Did your vet say what you could do to help her??

My vet recomends adding a small amount of bran to the dogs meal each day, or feed chicken wings (raw that is) as bones can help firm up poop.

Hope she's ok :luck:
Could she have picked up threadworm? That does give dogs a very itchy bottom, and it is possible for them to get them even if they have been wormed.

If it is anal glands again then bran does help, or it may be worth considering a change of diet to a higher fibre food.
Thanks guys,

She was wormed about 2 weeks ago. (Actually managed to do it a month before she was due, d'oh!)

She is on Burns Mini Bites (dry complete food), soon to be changing over to the Burns adult food. She gets a sardine added to this most evenings. She always has a large bone on the go.... she spends ages every day chewing on that. No other snacks really apart from the occasional sausage (about once a fortnight!).

Her stools are normally firm, but when out on walks I notice they are more loose, perhaps due to excitement of the walk?

I know some dogs need there glands emptied regularly, i'm just surprised at how quick it seems to be irritating her again already.

I think I will give the bran a go. How much should I add to her feed?

Also, thread worms. How do you treat for those if conventional worming treatments don't work? I've never noticed anything odd looking in her motions.

How sad am I........... Almost 1am on a Friday night..... and I'm here talking sh!t and anal glands. :wacko:
Made me laugh. Vet advised a teaspoon per feed for my Iggy. Vets are usually only too happy to show an owner how to deal with this problem.
I was shown how to do anal glands and its not a nice job :x

Try a teaspoon of bran to start with and see if it makes a difference and if her poop doesn't seem to be any firmer , add a little bit more. If after a week or so and it still hasn't made a difference, it might be worth asking the vet.

With a bit of luck it will help :luck:
Thanks for all your help. :thumbsup:

I'll get some bran tomorrow when I'm doing the shopping. :)
I would like to know more about Threadworms as Hebe does lick her bum quite a lot. I know it's not anal glands as I tried to empty them & nothing came out :thumbsup: She's been wormed so what do you need to do to get rid of threadworms if they have them.....& how do you know if they do?
I'm keen to know this as well! :b

Willow is wormed with Panacur Favourites. Does this not cover Threadworms? if not, what treatment should be given to insure she doesn't have them/get them?
Sorry, didn't mean to worry everybody!

Threadworm (Hookworm?) is killed by normal worming tablets, but dogs can pick it up again from other infected dogs or from fox faeces, and apparently it has become very common in foxes over the last few years (70% infected?).

If you are worming every 3 months or so then it probably isn't a problem, just something I would consider if a dog started scooting or licking his backside and it was a cople of months or so since (s)he had been wormed.
Lol, thank goodness!! :D

I was intensely studdying the obvious for any signs, yuck!! :eek:

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