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Fergal ...


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Posted this just before k9 went offline so it was one of the few that got lost!

Anyway - felt like a bit of fun the other day so had a go at stacking Fergal (using the self timer on the camera - how difficult was THAT! :wacko: Never tried stacking a dog before!)

Here he is - so looking for comments about the stack and about Fergal. I have no idea what the technical terms for these things are, but to me his back end looks too big compared to his front end, and his front legs seem to bed forward an awful lot at the bottom!

He's 5 months old.


That is very good to say you have never stacked a whippet before.

Looks like a nice pup, are you going to show him?
Looks OK for his age to me. His front end probably hasn't caught his back end up yet. In dogs (in fact all mammals), the growth pattern is:

from the feet upwards and

from the tail forwards

That is why you don't want to take any notice when people ALWAYS say about puppies "Aren't his feet big, he is going to be huge!!"
:D Feet stop growing first and the lower jaw bone is the very last to stop growing about 10 -12 mths in the whippet. The comformation and movement seminars are real eye openers. :D

Fergal looks nice and thats a very good start at stacking, maybe you could have a go with Barnby as well LOL
Thanks for comments about Fergal! We are getting round to thinking about going to ringcraft classes with him - we thought it would be fun and good for him too for the socialisation!

Yes - I should give it a go stacking Barnaby ... watch this space! :D

Very interested in more comments on Fergal ...
dessie said:
That is why you don't want to take any notice when people ALWAYS say about puppies "Aren't his feet big, he is going to be huge!!"
It's true - EVERYONE has been saying that about Fergal! Although there must be something in it because his feet are twice the size of Barnaby's feet already!! :p
You've done a really good job of getting him stacked - maybe you're a natural - or he is!!

I think he looks fine for a 5 month old, if I was you I would take a photo of him stacked about every month or so, this is what I do to see how they are developing.

With regards to his front pasterns, they do look quite bent which I believe is known as 'weak' - But after looking at Fergals piccy I looked at my boys photos when they were around the same age and theirs looked much more bent then too! I think both of mine have pretty good pasterns now. So I reckon nothing to worry about :D It is not very exagerated anyway.

He has so much more growing to do he'll look very different in a couple of months - how tall is he just out of interest?
Nice looking pup , Whats his breeding again ?

His pasterns look spot on to me , ( certainly not weak !), we are getting too many that are upright in pastern and peps think that is how they should be .They are starting to look like Dobermans. :eek:

The pasterns must have some `give ` in them for running . , have a look at some of the old posts where the dogs look as thogh their legs are broken or deformed and you`ll see just how much flexability they need to have when running .

His bum is higher at the moment but as the others have said he`s only 5 months and they do change an awful lot during various stages ,

but take him to ringcraft and have a go at showing ;)
I also think he looks very promising and has super pasterns, ask Jax says, very worrying if they are stiff and upright. When you stack him just dont push his head back quite so far. For his age he looks fine. We cant tell his size so measure him to the shoulder. But even if you do that its hard to tell finished size, our Frodo was only 18.5 at his first show and looked like a little dwarf hes 20.5 now.
I think you've got yourself a very nice puppy emw. Pasterns are great. shoulder angulation looks very good, and topline looks like it will finish up quite nicely - don't worry about him being a bit bum high at this age. He looks to have a nice head - are his ears good or are they flopping around or pricking up at present and if so, were they good before he started teething? However that's not always a good indicator either ... I had a dog once who's ears were perfect until he started teething and then by the time he was seven months they were fully pricked!

But in all he looks quite promising - I think you should definitely have a go at showing. What breeding is he again? Is he a Beetelian pup?

Good luck :luck: and let's know how you get on at ringcraft :))
Thank you for comments about Fergal - sounds like we should definitely go for the ringcraft! He's called Southanning Noel, and his mum is Nevedith Deefa Donna at Southanning, and his dad is Nevedith Eefa Empra. I have no idea if his ears are good as I don't really know what defines good ears! When I'm back on my own computer I will put a more "eary" photo of him on! I will also measure his height soon.
Millie said:
Fergal looks nice and thats a very good start at stacking, maybe you could have a go with Barnby as well LOL
Well - Barnaby really didn't want to play ball! :D I think he thought we were going to do something awful like try to cut his nails :unsure: (yes - he's got nail cutting phobia!). So here's the best we could do (and it involved giving him lots of treats - lucky old him :D ) ...

View attachment 3008
Haven't you started going to ringcraft yet? Nag nag. :lol:

After saying that I hope that I've got the correct person and you are in Gloucestershire. If you are near to Gloucester they have companion shows somewhere near the rugby ground every month on a Saturday which is a nice place to start showing. There was one at Whitminster (A38 south of Gloucester) last weekend.

If you aren't too far away from Cheltenham then there's a match night at ringcraft next Wednesday. I believe that I'm supposed to be going although it sounds like a good reason to miss a week to me. Lyd however will defo be there. It's a very friendly club with really nice people so if you aren't too far away then it'll be a good place to start off at.

Once you go to ringcraft then you'll get to hear of local companion shows as well as being able to get your hands on the local open show sched's and Champ show ones.

If you are within reasonable travelling distance of Henley in Oxon then there's also the fun day at Di Webbers to go to and there's a fun show there. If you go then you'll meet lots of people off here. Actually come lure coursing at Westonbirt in August and you'll get to met loads of them there as well. Can't get away from them really. mutter, mutter. :lol: Do anything whippetty and you'll meet someone from this board. :thumbsup:
He looks very promising EMW.Definitely pop along to ringcraft,and have a go at showing.

I know you thought Cheltenham was too far, to travel to for ringcraft,but it really is the best.Maybe if you came next week,to their match night we could nag Bj into attending as well (w00t) .

It's fun 'cos we get fed :) ,can have a drink :cheers: and there are usually better raffle prizes :D .

JAX said:
His pasterns look spot on to me , ( certainly not weak !), we are getting too many that are upright in pastern and peps think that is how they should be .They are starting to look like Dobermans. :eek:
I am very green when it comes to showing whippets, so thanks for pointing out that they are fine - it is really good to hear everyones comments on dogs. I started noticing lots of upright pasterns as well recently , I suppose if they are upright they couldn't run for buttons?

Do pasterns change with age at all?? And do Stanleys pasterns look okay - he is 8 months old in this piccy - and I know his front legs are a bit far forward.....

View attachment 8_monthsweb.jpg
EMW, in MHO Fergal looks a very nice type of pup for his age. As others have already talked about growth pattern, I'll just add that if this. Please post more pics as he grows. :D

JOE I don't know if it's just me but your picture isn't downloading properly :blink: all I can see is his head.
Oh bugger - didn't think the messgae had posted at all...lets try again

JOE said:
Oh bugger - didn't think the messgae had posted at all...lets try again
JOE as they say I get the picture now. :blink: :blink:

He looks like a typical 8 month old boy to me. Still some growing to do!! Others who know the lines better should give advice on pasterns. But they don't look overly upright or weak to me. Just MHO.
emw said:
Millie said:
Fergal looks nice and thats a very good start at stacking, maybe you could have a go with Barnby as well LOL
Well - Barnaby really didn't want to play ball! :D I think he thought we were going to do something awful like try to cut his nails :unsure: (yes - he's got nail cutting phobia!). So here's the best we could do (and it involved giving him lots of treats - lucky old him :D ) ...
:D Ah bless him........ but it was a good start LOL :lol:
Hi Joe . Stanley looks a nice pup too .

At 8 months he is going through a gangly stage :b . His pasterns look fine ,and I see he has lovely tight feet ( pet hate of mine to see splayed feet in a whippet or Greyhound )

He has a good head and neck too ,and looks to be in super condition :D

Barnaby not behaving himself at all was he !! :b bless

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