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Free running pups.


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Just wondered what everyone thinks of free running your pups with other dogs, do you think it gives them bad habbits or not?
Hiya manda, :p I personally do not let pups run about together, nor adults :oops: but it's each to their own, :p everyone has different ideas on the subject.........good luck :))
I take all mine out together , but dont let them free run with each other ....
I let my two Whips run together, but not with other dogs as they are lot bigger and I worry about them getting hurt
I just can't let my two run together (7months & 18 months) as they just course each other and I am sure it will end in injury. I started a similar thread on this a while back when I was wondering what others do once I discovered that they were quite so violent to each other!!
I've always let all of mine run together :eek: i think it helps to teach them how to turn, stop, judge things around them the old girl teaches every pup we've had not to mess around and how to hunt :D this stop excessive stupidness with each other :thumbsup:
all ours are off lead together as well (well not all of them the walks are split into batches...the old farts and racers lol)

the only dog we ever had problems with(edward) was kept on a lead and never allowed off as a pup so when we got him he didnt know how to behave off lead with other dogs and he did start his racing career being a bit naughty. luckily we sorted him out but he is still a pain off lead with other dogs. :rant:
Mine all run seperatly, they walk together but are never let off to run together untill they are around 5.
I wouldn't free run pups with older dogs, not with other whippets anyway.

I don't free run my whippets together (seen too many accidents) but i free run Ella with the spaniel party because i know the spaniel isn't as mad & couldn't catch her but they are mostly road walked anyway - we had a walk down the canal today & Ella had a good run with my grandads two spaniels.
I don't but my grandad does & kevin goes beating sometimes!! Must admit she's pretty nifty considering the small amount of training shes had :D
I take mine out in batches, but pups go out on there own untill about 5 months then there strong enough to free run with the adults. i also let em off together, i believe this builds intelligence they learn how to run with other dogs and they tend to do more running together making them fitter. ;)
I used to think it was a good way help build up stamina, but after my own dog was hit at full pelt which could easily have killed him . i have never let more than one dog at a time free run. I have heard of more than one racing whippet being killed by running into each other while playing. Ant like you i thought it was safe untill the collision, I think it is an accedent waiting to happen.
I learned the same way peter many moons ago ..i was lucky too ..baileys comet was 4 months and ran into one of my older dogs ...we thought she had smashed her back leg ...rushed off to the vets to find it was all muscle trouble ...plenty rest and she was okay ...

A friend of mine had one of his whippets off in a field and a dog came running on and hit it ..poor thing broke its tibia
:sweating: We are very carefull, let one off at a time, probably to carefull as we havent had much luck but it makes you like that. Today we let our 19 lb off and 16 lb both adults but the 19 lb bitch wasnt watching were she was going and ran straight into pups shoulder, he was on the lead, hes ok must have dead legged it , massaged it plenty and he looks ok, but it can happen so easily, but i have free run this one a lot more from quite young. He is not mad when you let him off, thank god.

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