The C.C.A. who own the fields that the whippet club race on applied for planning permission to allow caravans to park up at various times of the year as whippets are not the only club that this venue is used for. Unfortunately they were not granted this permission due to new local town and planning laws since the floods of 2007, these were brought in, in November 2007.
Under the new rules the field is a category 3B with a SF25 if anyone understands this.
Fred Watlin was told this on April 1st.
The whippet club have now applied for permission of their own to cover the whippet festival but this is no means a certainty to be granted, and if it is or is not we wont know until May at the earliest, because of this those who have booked on to the fields and wish to book elsewhere can by all means have their cash back. All caravan monies are in the whippet club bank and no monies have been drawn out of the caravan letting money. If you wish a refund then phone Fred Watlin on his mobile and he will send you a cheque by post . Mobile Number 07983798036.
Please could you pass this message on to anyone without a PC who you think may have booked on the field.
The Whippet club is very sorry for this situation but the planning permission had been taken out of its hands and all the members of the committee are distraught over this situation. Fred Watlin has made numerous enquiries at nearby locations to see if the whippet club could use these facilities but as yet no confirmed replies have been made
Thanking you for your understanding of this situation that the Devon and Somerset 2007 W.R.C. finds itself in.
The situation will be updated on K9 when any new information is at hand
The C.C.A. who own the fields that the whippet club race on applied for planning permission to allow caravans to park up at various times of the year as whippets are not the only club that this venue is used for. Unfortunately they were not granted this permission due to new local town and planning laws since the floods of 2007, these were brought in, in November 2007.
Under the new rules the field is a category 3B with a SF25 if anyone understands this.
Fred Watlin was told this on April 1st.
The whippet club have now applied for permission of their own to cover the whippet festival but this is no means a certainty to be granted, and if it is or is not we wont know until May at the earliest, because of this those who have booked on to the fields and wish to book elsewhere can by all means have their cash back. All caravan monies are in the whippet club bank and no monies have been drawn out of the caravan letting money. If you wish a refund then phone Fred Watlin on his mobile and he will send you a cheque by post . Mobile Number 07983798036.
Please could you pass this message on to anyone without a PC who you think may have booked on the field.
The Whippet club is very sorry for this situation but the planning permission had been taken out of its hands and all the members of the committee are distraught over this situation. Fred Watlin has made numerous enquiries at nearby locations to see if the whippet club could use these facilities but as yet no confirmed replies have been made
Thanking you for your understanding of this situation that the Devon and Somerset 2007 W.R.C. finds itself in.
The situation will be updated on K9 when any new information is at hand