It was decided, at racing today, by assembled members that Gloucester A.G.M. would be held in the School meeting room, following the racing on November 27th.
Many members felt that the business of the A.G.M. was lost while trying to eat the Xmas dinner at the same time, so this year we will conclude all the necessary business and then break for a buffet lunch, We would ask all attendees to bring a plate of food to share.
Glos club will provide teas and coffees, but if you wish to drink anything else, please bring it along.
It was felt that this format would allow us all to chat to each other more after the formal 'stuff' was out of the way. It also helps to keep costs down for each member!
Any items for the agenda to me please, by the 20th.
Many members felt that the business of the A.G.M. was lost while trying to eat the Xmas dinner at the same time, so this year we will conclude all the necessary business and then break for a buffet lunch, We would ask all attendees to bring a plate of food to share.
Glos club will provide teas and coffees, but if you wish to drink anything else, please bring it along.
It was felt that this format would allow us all to chat to each other more after the formal 'stuff' was out of the way. It also helps to keep costs down for each member!
Any items for the agenda to me please, by the 20th.