Calling all racers who have yet to book in. Today is the closing date for our open. I will accept e-mails, pm's or phone calls.
Where are all the little maidens (14-19) and all size veterans this year? These groups are particularly light on numbers, as we have seen elsewhere too.
Get those last entries in quickly, I will be doing the draw tomorrow or Wednesday. If you leave a phone message please also leave a call back number so that I can confirm receipt of entry. I will also confirm all electronic entries.
Where are all the little maidens (14-19) and all size veterans this year? These groups are particularly light on numbers, as we have seen elsewhere too.
Get those last entries in quickly, I will be doing the draw tomorrow or Wednesday. If you leave a phone message please also leave a call back number so that I can confirm receipt of entry. I will also confirm all electronic entries.