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Im wrighting this on behalf of my daughter Rachel

Rachel say's Thank you to the Nwrf for allowing her to run her dog Guess When at the Champs's and also the yearling's. She had a ball and so did Ricky.

Now it's me talking.

I heard someone say to me at the Monday open "Only one person to walk up the track ".

To this person "get real" my daughter is only 8 year's and I won't let her try and catch the dog at the end of his race as he is a hand full. I did ask a member of the new feds if Rachel could do this and I was told as I had a family membership she could run the dog. Her dad put HER dog into the trap's for her but he stayed at the trap's.

Ive been in racing for almost 20yrs and about to give it up as Im sick of all the c**p. My daughter and son are the future member's and at such a young age im not letting them put the dog's into the trap's or catch them just now.

We had a great time at the Champ's and are very happy with our dog's.
What difference does it make to anybody else if 2 people walked up the track?

Well done to Rachel anyway, long may she run her dog!!!!
I dont realy know mutch about racing at the moment as we have not been racing lacey long but she is realy my 10 year old dauters Alex`s dog even though my hubby does the traps and catching and thats becouse at 10 I think she is too young so its safer for her and lacey that hubby does it. I allso would be upset at a comment like that. I am sure 99% of people would fined it perfictly normal for a child to have help and be accompaned.

Well done Rachel lets hope you race your dog and have fun doing it for a long time to come.

:) Well done Rachel , you will soon be old enough to walk up and catch your dogs without help :luck: Till then enjoy yourself with mums help.

love Pauline and Ken XxX
suan your right! people being petty & stupid pathetic little rules will stop the young racers who are the future of this sport from carrying on , well done to rachel!
Im sure whoever said this, was only saying what is still a crazy rule, if they had taken a bit of time thinking, im sure they would think again. It's things like this that are making a fun day out, a pain in the ass. I cant remember the last time i went racing without hearing someone, complaining about something. No wonder we are losing members. If it helps the sport grow, by encouriging the yougsters, then lets use common sence. it will also speed up the racing, while increasing the safety aspect. How many times have we all said why do we bother, because of stupidthings like this. Keep the kids involoved Susan without them we are done for.


Posted by Peter.
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Rachel never heard this person say only one person should walk up the track as she was still at the trap's with her dad, I was walking up holding Gary's hand (he is 5) and a very kind man looked after him at the finnish line for me. Rachel ran up well before the other's and she held my hand and shouted ,very loud :D for Ricky. After the dog's had reached the sand pit I told Rachel to wait and not move and I got Ricky for her.

We never wasted anytime. Rachel now like's to go racing as she has a dog to run and Ricky seem's to like her racing him. Im not going to stop her running her dog but if there is a rule about only one to walk up the track it look's like I could pack it in. Wish racing was like it used to be FRIENDLY and FUN.
hi susan i dont know who this all mighty impotant person is, they must feel realy important now being able to make such a decision all by themself, whippet racing is in such good hands no wonder the sport is going leaps and bounds in the wrong direction god help us all. phil.

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