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Funny how we can change our minds so fast.

I just got home from a Champ. show.

Won Best of Breed. I think, well done. Now I just want to get short listed for group, & I will be happy. :D

Get short listed, 6 pulled out. :b I think, now if I make the 4 I will be pleased. Judge places 1,2,3, & 4th in Group. I get 4th. :lol: All I could think of was, I should of beaten the Beagle 8) :oops:

End of the day, more points for Grand Ch. :teehee:

Another show tommorow. Runner up system. Back to normal......... :thumbsup:

Congrats Cartman. Dog showing is a bit like golf- doesn't matter how well you go just want to go that bit better. We've got our Qld Hound club show tomorrow under an American - another lottery really. :clown:

Would you be a good lad ;) and post full whippet results from the Hound show please? Thanks ! :*
Well done Cartman ! :p

Yes , its true , how ever well you do you always want to go `the next step `.

I can underand why some peps who do go the` next step `on a regular basis get P :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: d off when they dont go the 1st step to begin with ;) .

Winning is very addictive .

The more we win the more we want to win :*
I must say I don't show much interest in group judging really.If I've done well under a Whippet specialist thats more than satisfying for me.There is often very little to choose between dogs in groups and I would say most are Excellent examples of their breeds with very very minor faults.I am personally of the opinion that no group Judge can be an expert in every breed and so to be successfull under a specialist of my breed is much more pleasing to me.I know I should show more interest in other breeds but I only have eyes for WHIPPETS!!!Also being the Top Hound numerically in Britain its an achievment in its self to be knocking for top honours at big champ shows and specialist club shows.I think we really do have quality in depth in latter classes and think the competition in our breed is excellent.Group Judging??? Who cares???
It's perfectly understandable to be satisfied winning at breed level in a country where you're getting 150+ entries in your breed at an average show!

For us here in Australia where an average whippet entry at an all breeds show in the southern capital cities would be about 30 (correct me if I'm wrong - Cartman) - well then group/show judging becomes an exciting aim. Winning BIS over 500-600 dogs is more wonderful than winning BOB over 30 whippets.

Into the bargain - we get additional points for a Best in Group - so if you only got, say, 16 points in your breed, you can get up to a maximum of 25 for BIG. When you're chasing a Grand Champion title (1000 points) BIG's are important.

Group judging ... who cares? [SIZE=14pt]WE DO ![/SIZE] :p

PS - Cartman forgot to say [SIZE=14pt]CONGRATULATIONS[/SIZE] in my earlier post! :cheers:
Aslan ,

its like our OPEN shows , maybe only 10 whippets entered but to win the group is great , even though it means nothing in regards to Championship status . :( Its ,still nice to have a multi tcoloured rosette on your wall :b

Took Buffee to a companion dog show yesterday for a bit of fun , and she won R B I S . plus a dog bowl ,,bag of goodies ,eg chews etc toy rope and a 12 tin tray of dog food !! all for £1.00 :D

Thats how I started, at these shows with my racing Greyhounds :wub:
Many people started showing at Sanction and Limited shows. It would have been very rare to have breed classes. I loved them and I think it gave you a tremendous appreciation of other breeds. It also gave you the opportunity to chat to very experienced breeders in other breeds in a way which I think would be almost impossible now. There were some great judges too, my favourite was Joe Braddon. Now I've more or less revealed my age I'll collect my zimmer and go for a trundle on the promenade.

my favourite was Joe Braddon
Wasnt he a character :eek:

But Im too young to remember him , its just what Ive heard :- "
My lot are all crufts qualified this year so, My Next Goal Is A stud book Number.

That would be great :D
What's the deal with a stud book number? You have to win a place at Crufts to get one? And can you not breed from a dog unless it has one?

Also what is a Junior Warrant and how does one attain one?

Have never really understood these things... :(
Dont really know what difference a 'Stud Book Number' makes except:-

1 The dog is 'qualified for Crufts for life.

2 The breeder has extra points for getting onto Breed Club judging lists.

It does NOT mean a dog without a SB number cannot be bred from.

Qualifying for the stud book is various wins at Ch shows including (not necesarrily exclusively) 1st to 3rd in Limit or Open / winning a CC or RCC

As for JW I have never been bothered counting points for this 'title' but do know its something to do with wins attained whislt stil less than 18months of age. Wins from Open and Ch shows count (breed classes only). There is a 'new' title too for dogs winning at certain Open shows - again never taken ,uch notice of this but am sure someone will know.
The KC in their wisdom (?) keep changing the rules about the JW but I think at the moment you have to win 25 points (three for a win at a Ch show and 1 for a win at an open show) with at least three won at Ch shows. I don't know if teh three dogs per class rule still applies but it used to be at least 12 points at open and 12 at Ch shows with the extra where you want. A JW also (unless they have changed it as well) gives you a SB No.
Dawn, you are on about a Show Certificate of Merit, which in my view is a throw back to the days when the JW was all about open show wins, then they changed it to include points gained at Champ Shows. Like you I have never bothered with them, might be the fact that I'm just too lazy to count them up. Gaining a Junior Warrant does give you a stud book number.

I think a lot of people aim for their Stud Book number as the next step towards their first ticket. In a numerically large breed as ours, it can be quite difficult to get and it doesn't half give people a boost if they have achieved their Stud Book No. out of a class of 20 or 30 plus dogs. As Dawn says also it does assist you in climbing the ranks of the judging lists, which is still another story, the variation between the different clubs, some ask for 2 STBN and some ask for 3 as a minimum, still variety is the spice of life.

Mind you now I have put all the wins and placings on a database, it would be an easy task, as the computer will do it for me, if I asked it. Have put the judges on there too, which is great as it means I just have to look up that judges name if I'm thinking of entering under them and I can see whether I won anything or not and also what my comments were about their judging. :teehee: :- " :blink: :wacko: -_-
JAX said:
But Im too young to remember him , its just what Ive heard  :- "
Yeah right!! I've shown under him and I think we are about the same age or is it that I have been showing longer ..........................
dessie said:
JAX said:
But Im too young to remember him , its just what Ive heard  :- "
Yeah right!! I've shown under him and I think we are about the same age or is it that I have been showing longer ..........................
:oops: Must fess up I have shown under him also, but it was a long time ago at Brisbane Royal.

Yes he certainly was a character. I remember passing him during a lunch break and hearing him telling a tale to some exhibitors at ringside about soup with with sheeps eyes floating in it.

:x I didn't stay to hear the rest as I wanted to keep my lunch down.
JAX said:
But Im too young to remember him , its just what Ive heard  :- "
I heard that you went to school with him. :teehee: Same class & all. :- "
I remember Joe Braddon - but only when I was just a very young junior handler :p I remember being really scared of him.

I think it was at the Brent Show in the early 70s, did anyone else go? - I seem to remember it was a really popular show then. :) Used to show dogs for people who had too many - GSDs, Goldies and my own little Westie. :wub:

Only did a very little though, when people were able to take me in their car, as my parents weren't able to drive me around the country like they do now ;) Mind you I can remember taking the train from Harrow to Princes Risborough with my little dog a couple of times :)
If you have a dog that has been doing well, what's wrong with having it recognised by the addition of JW after their name?? You wouldn't think twice about putting Ch. in front of their name if they win the required 3 CCs or is it just the fact that you have to apply for the JW???

Rupert won his relatively easily, being a dog, but Aimee also achieved hers despite seasons, being up against stiffer competition etc. Ronan had to contend with the Foot & Mouth outbreak so actually lost 3 months of showing because of it. Although I show maybe more regularly than some, I won't go vast distances to Open shows or two in a weekend, anything like that, but you know when a puppy first goes in the ring whether you have a chance at it or not.

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