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Have you ever been knocked over?


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I love it when dogs play when out but have you ever noticed how they like to do it right around your legs??

I find myself migrating to tree so I can hide!
Yep, Jimmy tripped me up when we went out for an extra early morning walk last year (about 5am) due to work commitments. I ended up with several cuts and bruises and had to wear a shirt under my shirt to stop the blood showing through! I'm sure I posted about it on here somewhere. Occasionally he'll still dart across my path when we're out and about if something takes his interest, but he's better than he was ;)
As a teenager I got knocked over quite spectacularly by an out of control horse. I literally went flying. Fortunately (?) I landed in quite deep mud so I was filthy but undamaged ...
Oh wow that's quite a take down @JoanneF - Did the horse have a rider on? That was lucky you weren't injured.
Ha ha joanneF, I would love to have seen a picture :rolleyes:. Lucky that you were not damaged though!
Yes @Josie, the horse did have a rider but she was pretty inexperienced. It probably looked hilarious @excuseme - and just WHY were jodphurs always pale coloured in those days?

I was a working pupil, so injuries were part and package of the whole thing and I had far worse from accidents of my own. I used to bounce though, when I finally realised just how breakable I am (when my income depended on being able to get to work I think) I moved on to safer hobbies. Like jigsaws! :D
I used to ride also @JoanneF - exactly the same as you, I used to just bounce but now I think I'd just go thud :confused:
I used to ride, and falling off to get back on again was all part of the fun. I much preferred to ride bareback though.
If I had my old pony back tomorrow, I would still ride her bareback!
These horses are lethal! I’ve been flattened by a horse that couldn’t cope with being in an indoor school , I was leading her out through a sliding door and she just bolted over the top of me! Kicked me all over and was very bruised and battered but managed to catch her...we had ponies up until 4 years ago and decided to give up after 30 years and go caravanning! Much safer :) I’ve broken two wrists, damaged my back, hubby broke his pelvis on a carriage driving accident so enough is enough....still enjoyed it all though ;)
Yes many of times, my horse doesn't like me she kicks me off and she's cow kicked me i have had many troubles with horses not so much dogs...
You can buy t shirts with a picture of crossed crutches and the wording 'I've been lurchered' for good reason:D Though Jasper is very good at charging towards you like a homing missile and then dinking to one side and missing you by a hair's width. You just have to brace your knees, keep your elbows in and watch out for the much more solid Staffie who he got to chase him :eek:

He has knocked me over a couple of times, if he's having a tantrum and jumps up on me when I'm not prepared. Luckily he never has tantrums nowadays - apart from when OH tried to walk him
I've never been knocked over by a horse but I've been thrown a few times. I also no longer ride!

I have been knocked over on the ski slopes. The most memorable was when the skier above me hit a nasty patch of ice, lost control and cannoned into me. He grabbed me round the waist and we went down the rest of the run in tandem. At the bottom he released me with an apologetic "Pardon Madame" and skied off....
These horses are lethal! I’ve been flattened by a horse that couldn’t cope with being in an indoor school , I was leading her out through a sliding door and she just bolted over the top of me! Kicked me all over and was very bruised and battered but managed to catch her...we had ponies up until 4 years ago and decided to give up after 30 years and go caravanning! Much safer :) I’ve broken two wrists, damaged my back, hubby broke his pelvis on a carriage driving accident so enough is enough....still enjoyed it all though ;)

Oh wow - that is quite some list of injuries! :eek:
I'm loving these stories!
The last time I rode was in Cornwall where I fell off! - typical. The horse I was riding Storm (says it all!) decided to jump one way whilst cantering and I went the other!

The best place I have ever been riding was when I worked in France for a month. The owner Dennis had trained his horses beautifully and they were all the same breed (I think from Russia). I will always remember swimming with them in the lake to help them cool down after a long ride :)

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