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Head Collars


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Hello, I was wondering what everyone thought of those 'halti' head collars that are supposed to stop dogs pulling on the lead? I am getting a bit fed up of having my arm pulled out of its socket everytime monty sees something in the distance he likes the look of!

I have been training him to walk to heel, but he is very easily distracted (he's only 10 months)

Am i being lazy should i just perservere with heel? are these collars considered cruel?

Any advice gratefully received :thumbsup:

Personally I don't like them. They have to be used in conjunction with a normal lead anyway and that is really bulky.
I bought a halti for Alf our JRT a while ago and I found it quite good although he did try to fight it every so often. He really did not like it on his head but I found I had more control over him with the halti than using just a normal collar. I have since bought a harness for him and have found this absolutely fantastic. He has no desire to pull whatsoever. I could not believe the difference this made. He has no problem with the harness at all and walks along really well. He now actually walks along with the lead slack all the time. Unbelievable. :D

Can't say how a whippet would be in a halti or harness being a bigger dog, but the harness works very well with Alfie.
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There is a similar alternative called a 'Gentle Leader'. Looks very similar but doesn't ride up into their eyes like a Halti can do.

Gentle leaders were recommended to me by Chloe's obedience trainer. I wouldn't be without one now. For my husband, she will walk on the lead fine, but she pulls my arms out of their sockets nearly! (she's a Dobermann) With the gentle leader on she's perfect.

The work by you pulling the lead to the side and pressure is exerted on the back of the neck (just behind the ears). In order to release the pressure they don't pull.

You have to perservere a bit with them. At first they don't like the feel of them and try and rub them off. Soon get use to it though.

Most pet shops just sell Halti's but they will order in a gentle leader if you ask. I've also seen them on e-bay. No, they are not cruel. Im thinking of trying Frankie on one too because he's a big lad now and sometimes pulls.
I have used Gentle Leader headcollars and would recommend them ... however my youngster really pulled and writhed about in his and he managed to keep moving it up to his eye (and it was the proper size).

I now use a padded Dogmatic collar for him, they cost a little more than Gentle Leaders but work on the same principle, except they have a little more webbing attaching the "nose" bit to the bit where you attach the lead. I would recommend getting the padded one (it isn't bulky), rather than the leather one, as the "joins" on the dog's muzzle/nose were inclined to rub my dog's nose.

I would not be without it - my 2 and a half year old whippet walks so sedately (unless he sees a squirrel ... :- " ), that I could not believe how strong whippets could be.

Hope this is helpful.

*edited, to add* no, they aren't cruel - I wouldn't use anything cruel or painful on my animals.
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I was told by my first vet that you could not fit a halti on a whippet or sight hound because of the shape of there heads o:) .

I use a hearness when walking Zeb works will enough, until he sees the park or the kids walk on a head. Now training kids to walk to heel and if zeb pulls i stop and get him to sit, It can take a long time for him to get the message, but he stops in the end. :)
Well, i honestly cant give any advice for a Halti on a whippy cos never tried it BUT i have an Affie who is an absolute horror!

Reggie Kray & i have her sister Ronnie (w00t)

Now Reggie is heavier than me & an absolute thug, has pulled me clean over twice, hates joggers, loathes golfers & wants to assassinate ANYONE on a bike (w00t)

Got to the stage where i hated taking her out even at 5am with no one about, then i bought a leather halti...........................................................................


I can now walk Reggie & Ronnie together no problem. Yes she swears & curses under her breath & says how she would like to tear the legs off that golfer & drag the poor man screaming from his bike BUT she does NOT pull, she does NOT freak out, but walks calmly at my side cursing quietly :lol:

Give me halti anyday :thumbsup:
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I have tried both the Halti and the Gentle Leader and the latter gets my vote every time. Unlike the Halti, it does not skew round on the face or cut across the eye. Despite having a 40lb reluctant whippet my boy learnt to be a gentleman and he never managed to dislodge it. In fact I used it for a week every now and then just to remind him of his manners, he didn't need it all the time.
I use halti's on 3 of my 4 Whippets as with my back problems I can't afford to be pulled over. I attatch the lead clip to the halti and also their martingale collar. They all walk really well on them and when we see a CAT CAT CAT (w00t) even the whirling dervish routine is managable :lol: :lol:
LJH said:
I have tried both the Halti and the Gentle Leader and the latter gets my vote every time. Unlike the Halti, it does not skew round on the face or cut across the eye. Despite having a 40lb reluctant whippet my boy learnt to be a gentleman and he never managed to dislodge it. In fact I used it for a week every now and then just to remind him of his manners, he didn't need it all the time.
Hear, hear. The Gentle Leader does not act directly on the muzzle of the dog but the control comes from the neck and they seem to accept them far, far easier than Haltis and Dogmatics. Ronan used to go balistic when I put his Dogmatic on but accepted the Gentle Leader straight away. Bertha hates having her nails cut or dremelled and I just put her GL on and it keeps her calm. Absolutely amazing.

Also, although they come in headcollar form that you can clip a lead onto they are also made as an All-in-One, one size fits all, so there is no need for a separate lead.

Here's the link to the lady who makes them

Gentle Leader
oooh, i'm glad to here i'm not the only one with a straining beast!!

Stupidly i had already bought the halti before asking advice and rashly ripped up the packaging :oops: - and i had the option of the gentle leader too, nevermind, i will try the halti tomorrow anyway.

Thanks for all the tips
ruth said:
oooh, i'm glad to here i'm not the only one with a straining beast!!

Stupidly i had already bought the halti before asking advice and rashly ripped up the packaging :oops: - and i had the option of the gentle leader too, nevermind, i will try the halti tomorrow anyway.

Thanks for all the tips

Think you will find a big difference.

At first they may keep shaking their head & trying to paw it off but within 10 minutes my girl was fine with it.

It doesn't cut her or ride up, still allows her to open her mouth & to be able to pant or drink, so not restricting in anyway like that, mind she is an affie so i dont know what it would be like on a whippy, let us know :thumbsup:
Sorry, I've just realised that I am talking rubbish ................. it is not a Gentle Leader that I use but a


Different make totally!!! It is like a figure 8 and the control comes from the neck part which acts like a slip collar which, when it tightens, exerts all round pressure on the muzzle. Neither of mine fought against it at all from the first time I put it on.
dessie said:
Sorry,I've just realised that I am talking rubbish ................. it is not a Gentle Leader that I use but a 



Different make totally!!!  It is like a figure 8 and the control comes from the neck part which acts like a slip collar which, when it tightens, exerts all round pressure on the muzzle.  Neither of mine fought against it at all from the first time I put it on.

PMSL at that bit!! :lol: :lol: (the bit about realising you were talking rubbish!!)
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tried the halti today, and after some initial goose stepping and head shaking he seemed to take to it ok!

It worked really well, we have had two walks with virtually no pulling and i only had to give the gentlest of tug to get him to stop if he saw something exciting - we even managed to walk calmly past a cat!!!

thanks for all the advice
Glad you found something that works for you, :thumbsup: what works for one dog will not necessarily work for another and so it is nice to run things by other people and find out their opinions before we spend our hard earned cash on something that wont work and ends up lying in a heap somewhere!! :(

At least now you will have your arms back! :lol:
Halti worked wonders for one of ours too :thumbsup: so much so we now dont have to use it :teehee:

Best of luck :luck:

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