I am looking for some advice. I have a 4 year old Poochon who I bred previously . She had 2 gorgeous puppies. I’d like to breed her again this year. Before pregnancy she was bang on 6 monthly seasons. She had a season as she was due after she gave birth but then came into season early at 4 months. The season didn’t last as long as in the past and then 8 weeks later she had what I think was a phantom pregnancy. She was digging quite a lot. Anyway she started bleeding last night again bang on 4 months. I intend to get her cytology tested. The lady who is going to be testing her has recommended starting from day 5 but now I’m wondering if I should start testing her earlier ?
Can dogs go from 6 months to shorter seasons after pregnancy? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Can dogs go from 6 months to shorter seasons after pregnancy? Any advice would be greatly appreciated