in aid of north east greyhound n whippet rescue
50% payout 50% to charity
classes adults
20 24 28 32 D & B Sep
vets & yearling as above but all in
scr 36 40 45 no limit plus vet & year no limit
all above racing 165yrds
pups classes as above but all in plus no limit racing 150 yrds
time handicap 2 classes 32 no limit
weigh in 11 till 12
enq michelle 07774535144 or rite 01914147746
50% payout 50% to charity
classes adults
20 24 28 32 D & B Sep
vets & yearling as above but all in
scr 36 40 45 no limit plus vet & year no limit
all above racing 165yrds
pups classes as above but all in plus no limit racing 150 yrds
time handicap 2 classes 32 no limit
weigh in 11 till 12
enq michelle 07774535144 or rite 01914147746