My little puppy is just 7 weeks old today and after being with us for a couple of days she is settling in well and generally being really good. My only concern is that she likes to bite and she has very sharp teeth. She's only playing when she does it of course but I need to stop her fast as she drew blood this morning when she took my hand in her mouth and I definately don't want her doing that to my 9 year old daughter - or one of the cats for that matter. I said 'NO' when she did it but she still continues, is there another way of controlling this or is it just something we have to ride out? In which case,how long does it last? I bought her a puppy dental kong this morning so that she had somewhere else to concentrate her chewing but sh much prefers flesh. :b I've had puppies in the past but it's been a while and toy breeds don't have teeth this sharp believe me!
Other than this I adore her, she's so cuddly and a real pleasure to play with generally, although she does keep running into things and hurting her little self, por love
Other than this I adore her, she's so cuddly and a real pleasure to play with generally, although she does keep running into things and hurting her little self, por love