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Probably not what you're thinking. I am going to make some plaited show leads in preparation for the Whippet Congress to be held here in September & I'd like to know how long are the leads you use. I'm guessing that they all vary a bit but I would be grateful if some of you could let me know the length lead you like. Thanks in advance

kirislin said:
I'd like to know how long are the leads you use. I'm guessing that they all vary a bit but I would be grateful if some of you could let me know the length lead you like. Thanks in advanceLinda
I reckon they need to be long enough to enable the dog to have a bit of choice about movement - ideally 46 inches. thats from end to end, including the buckle.

If they are too short - which an awful lot are, then there is not enough slack for bitches who may suddenly squat, or dogs who may suddenly discover the "exact" location for a wee.

Flexi leads are really useful too, but sometimes an old fashioned lead is much better, with less bulk in your hand.

One other thing - quite often the hand loop part is much too big and then I think there is a danger of the lead coming off your wrist (I put myhand through the loop for extra safety).

The longer the better in my hubby John's eye's :) but I like mine short, Leads that is :b . We don't use those flexi lead's, just leather one's.
Never Mind the Length it's the Width that's Important. :D :D

The show leads I use do vary but it is quite easy to 'gather' the excess into your hand when moving and on the table so length is not that important. However I find that the width / diameter is important and should be as fine as possible but substantial enough to keep control.
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fine (width) and long (48 inches) with a small steel clip.

But I actually use cloth (?) leads for the ring - I like to colour co-ordinate my lead with my jacket ;)
I should have said including the part that goes around their neck. :oops: My leads are either all in one or with matching "choker" or whatever you call it. I think in the replies you've all put in so far you have included that but if any one has not could you please let me know.

Thanks to all who've replied so far.


Oh yeah Kirawan, how long do you like the handle to be? So far I've made them 7 inches (thats 14 inches but then doubled over) I make them to fit my hand, but mine are quite large. How big do you like them, this is all sounding very suggestive :b .

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kirislin said:
I should have said including the part that goes around their neck.  :oops:   My leads are either all in one or with matching "choker" or whatever you call it. I think in the replies you've all put in so far you have included that but if any one has not could you please let me know. Oh yeah Kirawan, how long do you like the handle to be? So far I've made them 7 inches (thats 14 inches but then doubled over) I make them to fit my hand, but mine are quite large.  How big do you like them, this is all sounding very suggestive :b .

As I mentioned in my post - I measured from the buckle at the end of the lead (not including collar at all). I did not realize that you were talking "show leads" here. My comments were purely for normal everyday walking leads. With regard to the show leads, I think those very very fine ones, which match the colour of the dog are the best because they blend in and do not appear to be strangling the dog if they are allowed to just hang loose.

About the handle - well 6 inches would be better for me, but I suppose you have to cater for the majority size hand (including men) - so maybe a compromise = 6 and a half inches !!?? :unsure: -
Are we able to get any of your show slips when you have made them Linda??? Sound lovely, plaited leather
Hi Dessie, so far I've never sold any overseas, although one of my regular 6 strand leads has made it's way to the UK. An english whippet lady who lives here bought one as a gift for her brother. I don't have a scanner but I recently snail mailed some photocopies to a lady in the US. She's offered to scan them & email them back to me. It's a very round about way but if she does I'll either email the pics to you or post them here so you can see them.

Kirawan. How long do you like your show leads to be?

kirislin said:
Kirawan. How long do you like your show leads to be?
54 inches ! ! ! from end to end (all in one piece with a tightening facility for the neck)

Hope you make lots of money - and hope you have fun making them.
The best show lead I've ever had,came from Australia. It was plaited leather(kangaroo), one lead with a metal ring at one end, and a loop/handle at the other.

Personally, I find all show leads too long. I hate having yards and yards of lead,either bunched up in my hand, or swinging around.

When you are actually showing, as you can raise your arm, I prefer a lead to be as straight as poss., to the dogs neck.When you're taking them for a pee/poo, your arm will be hanging by your side,so the lead is still long enough, to let them sniff etc.

Also, width is very important. A lot of leads, are far too wide for a whippy.

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That's the kind I make Lydia! :) I can make them any length you want.

Kirawan I dont make lots of money :( but I do enjoy making them. People here dont realise the work that goes into them. It takes me about 8 hours to make a 6 strand lead & when I first started I was selling them for $25, it was barely even covering the cost of the leather. I dont do that anymore. I mainly now just make them as gifts for friends or if someone wants one. It's just that with the Whippet Congress coming up soon I've decided to have a stall there with my whippet cards, show leads & collars (& something else I've got in the pipeline, not sure if it'll come off).

Sounds good. My best show lead length is 45" (that is a slip lead) which means you have enough slack without having yards of excess to wrap in your hand. I would say that say sort of length would be OK for the ones with a noose that you can tighten and the width for a plain leather one is ideally 1/4" which is thick enough without cutting into the dog's neck.

Can you do different colours or are they just brown or black?
Dessie I have got only "natural" colours at present, light & dark brown in fine, black & white in very fine.

I do a round plait for the lead but the handle & where it makes contact with the dogs neck is a flat plait giving more surface area. With the 6 strand leads I often buy a whole hide & cut it into strands myself. With the finer 4 strand I usually buy pre-cut lacing. Before I plait I skive (bevel) the edges which makes it sit very smooth & flat. The end result looks pretty good.

Whats a slip lead?

kirislin said:
Whats a slip lead?
Technically a slip lead is used for quickly "slipping" a dog -as in coursing - but it must have another meaning for show leads I guess.
Maybe you would call it a check lead as in 'check chain'. It is one long lead with a handle at one end and a ring at the other so it should tighten and release depending how much pressure you put on it. The other kind is where you have a noose at one end with a little gadget that you push down to tighten to however you want it round the dog's neck, it then remains like that whether you hold the lead tight or slack.

We are only talking about show leads here Kirawan because the leather that Linda makes these slips from would not be suitable for normal every day use.
I do make something like that Dessie but I've had to put a swivel in it. I did make one as you describe when I first started making the fine leads but I found it twisted when on the dog. Now with the swivel it sits beautifully. They were extremely popular when I had my little stall at our Champ show last year. I was completely taken by surprise & didn't have enough to sell & ended up with orders for 4 more. I don't have a scanner or dig camera but if you want I can photocopy the actual lead & snail mail it to you if you'd like to see it.


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