:rant: I cant stand them, they let their dogs do their stuff where ever and walk off, yet us racing folk with dogs that others see as vicious are the most responsible out there. Well behaved and cleaning up after out little beauties.
Tonight while having a quiet beer with the wife,daughter and dog ( the dog drinks Jim Beam!!) another dog was roaming the pub garden with not a care in the world nor did the owner have an idea where his dog was.
Next thing I know all hell breaks loose and ezra has another dog attached to his throat. soon separated the owner then says i was at fault and new nothing about dogs. His parting comment was for me to calm down as their were children about. Yes there was, most of which were under 5 and if his dog had put his mouth around one of them well i dread to think. I hope he thinks next time.
Enough off the soap box.
See you all in a week. some one has to come last, might as well be us.
I only go for the beer
Nearly forgot, ezra is ok. no holes so he wont sink if he goes for a swim.
Brian Stevens/Kiwi Vampire :cheers:
Tonight while having a quiet beer with the wife,daughter and dog ( the dog drinks Jim Beam!!) another dog was roaming the pub garden with not a care in the world nor did the owner have an idea where his dog was.
Next thing I know all hell breaks loose and ezra has another dog attached to his throat. soon separated the owner then says i was at fault and new nothing about dogs. His parting comment was for me to calm down as their were children about. Yes there was, most of which were under 5 and if his dog had put his mouth around one of them well i dread to think. I hope he thinks next time.
Enough off the soap box.
See you all in a week. some one has to come last, might as well be us.
I only go for the beer
Nearly forgot, ezra is ok. no holes so he wont sink if he goes for a swim.
Brian Stevens/Kiwi Vampire :cheers: