Well I just like say well done to shirebrook wrc for you hardwrk on get track right spot on and club house looked after whippet folk over weekend also message to committee of NNWWRF keep up your hard work as usual for put on great championship on and I will always willing to help out any think positive for whippet racing keep up good work well on to racing some great new champions lucky darling Jane tell me it took her 30 years racing whippets to get champion well done also manton gangs faces when when never say never won its title will stick in my mind that's what whippet racing means to lovely family also nice see king Louis win supreme ran super tinkersmill ran super for bitch coming five also fast whippet for last year in my opinion shoshi tiger well done also chapy winning supreme with swift boy well done lots more great champions over weekend good luck to you all over season hope you dogs stay sound for some good races for you .yours in sport Lyndon x :thumbsup: