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I firstly would like to thank all the offers from people/organizations for their kind offers of financial help for the Lancaster WRC --

Regretfully at this moment in time i would have to decline the offers as this is something the local council and LWRC will have to sort out for the long term future of this club if there is to be a long term?---

They according to a mate of mine who is on the council in question have a duty/obligation to provide us with as much financial help as they do any other sporting club--ie tennis/football etc. no matter the size of the club or membership numbers with that in mind its a case of wait and see---

maybe each region/club or national body should start thinking about this with regards to public liability insurance and get quotes as a group--it may be cheaper for all of us that way--something the BWRA was formed for--all those years ago---its only a matter of time before we will all need it--

Thank you once again for all those lovely offers and they are really appreciated but this has to be resolved without any more money from the club---

ie the council have to sort it God knows we pay more than enough in council tax --for this sort of thing also they receive sports grants from central government/lottery etc


:thumbsup: Steve :thumbsup:
I thought i would put this on for those in the Furness area who have rung a few times with regards to paying us a visit at L.W.R.C---or any one else who may be interested ---things still are not sorted with our local council but we are still here---

Just a little bit of brief news updating this thread ---we are currently just getting traps out for training pups and giving older dogs a blast--no racing as such --on Tuesday/ Thursday evenings :oops:

TIME---6-o'clock--till we finish whatever time required for those who want a run---

you can have as many as you want --all we ask is a little help with equipment after we finish

The grass has been cut three times now but still requires a good rolling ---

any one who turns up will be made welcome --

If traveling any distance i advise ringing first ---

wish i had rung Mick last night ---as he had the keys to our cabin and we only have one set so i could not get in ---Hope you read this Mick!!!!

Steve :thumbsup:
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I'll have a run up with Lin in a few weeks when she's ready to get Buddy going a bit awkward for her at present with Mall working away Sonny having a pot on his leg he's a bit too big to carry around :blink:

nothing to run myself with Tillie off hopefully on maternal duties :wub:

the offer of help raising financial support still there if and when you want it
Sorry about last night steve we were going up then a man came about caravan awning !

Hoping to go up to go up 2night i think ?

Lol- :clown:

Was too hot anyway....

I just had a lie down on the grass while the two little uns ran round by themselves.

We have now got biggest part of track cut and can manage to get just over 100yrds before we hit the rough part --100yrds is enough for pups --

so we are training on Tuesday/Thursday evenings--

only two dogs at a time as we think pups should not be running more than two at a time then you can see if there is any right/left on any problems at all and sort it without ruining some one else's dog --

all welcome if you want to come along for a run start around 6-0oclock far moor playing fields

Well things seem to be looking up at Lancaster WRC whilst training tonight we had a few lads down from Barrow in Furness with there dogs and they are keen to get into whippet racing before they left we had a good chat and we will be seeing them again maybe in a fortnight as one is on call every other week --makes it all worth while ____

the dogs they brought were quick to pick up on the lure next time we hope to put them through the traps ===great night finishing with something positive for a change ---any one else who lives near would be made welcome ---one lad is looking for a pup but must be small ----

I am glad the clubs got a bit of good news I hope thing get sorted for you soon. We ususly have a weeks camping through the summer in Morcombe so we will give you and call and pop over with some of the dogs if thats ok.

Enjoyed training tonight, nice to see new faces.

hope the lads from barrow come training again, they seemed like very nice people. good to see steve looking fit and well and positive about whippet racing again after all the troubles of recent times.

Hope to see barney soon with his presant and wish him a speedy recovery. :thumbsup:
Another good positive night at Lancaster W,R,C.---and we hope that Tony Woodend Enjoyed his visit --we did all we could to accommodate and help him and would wish him all the best with starting his new Club in Cumbria ===

Another Enjoyable Nights Training Last Night , Tonys Bitch TEXAS Ran Well For Him .The Lads Where Down From Barrow Again Trapping And Running Their Dogs Good Fun Night , Nice Warm Weather As Well.





:D :D :D (w00t)
Another Enjoyable Nights Training Last Night , Tonys Bitch TEXAS Ran Well For Him .The Lads Where Down From Barrow Again Trapping And Running Their Dogs Good Fun Night , Nice Warm Weather As Well.


                                            BIG T , SHORT T , CANDLE STICKS

                                            POM POM SPIRIT FINGERS

:D   :D   :D   (w00t)

Lancaster has it all eh?

Not just whippet racing but now connections with a 'qualified' cheerleader!

I say ......

'We are proud of you.... I say 'We are proud of you' Lol
We are getting there at LWRC slowly---we have cut the track all of it in two nights ---but a few bumps near the end have caused us to rethink and we have deiced to run in a straight line but at an angle rather than the dogs having to go over the rough bit of the track---we keep filling bits in ---and its looking quite good at this moment in time ---we can get three hundred yards about if required but thats for the future ---it would be a mammoth task just cutting that length--- hope to attrack a few more dogs from the Furness area and if we can get enough we may even consider running at weekends ---

great stuff had planned on coming up with Lin and Buddy but she's got Mal and Sonny both in pots and Ive got Annie very poorly at present so its a no go just now hope to come up in the near future though

Keep up the good work :cheers:
Don't know if this is LUCKY or not but we had thirteen dogs at Lancaster tonight so it seems things are going to improve for our club --lets hope so !!!

Thanks to all that attended hope you had a great time and we have been of some help any questions you may have please ask we will do our best to put you in the picture ---if we don't have the answer i am sure we know someone who has----

hope it works out 13 dogs :thumbsup:the west coast has had it hard for tracks and dogs :luck: :luck:

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