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Who got there letter today off Tony Weatherson?

comments please..
i did......

unfortunately i have'nt had chance to read it properly (due to being in hospital today). from the quick look ive had basically it points out inadeqaces that the bwra supposed to have made regarding the test, the laboratory that doesnt really exist (its a po box number) and the fact that the samples were hanging around a post office in hot weather. Its a bit heavy going and im not really in the mood today to sit and read it properly ;)
Sorry to here you been to hospital Michelle i hope you are okay
my baby(due dec 11th) has been very awkward and decided it is going to be they have attempted to manually turn it but it didnt work :angry: .

so i was given the choice of having a normal breech birth but they said there was a 1 in 13 risk of something going wrong......or i can have an elective c-section.

so im having a c-section on friday 5th of course the drug issue bickering doesnt remotely interest me at the moment :w
sorry to hear that i hope ever thing goes well ..we will be think of you
sorry to hear that michelle hope it all goes well in the end :D should all be worth it
The lab doesn`t sound as reputable as the HFL but that doesn`t mean the sample wasn`t positive. No action has been taken by the BWRA as it was under their limits and so there is no problem with them running under the BWRA.

Yvonne and Tony`s problem is that they have pursued a stupid and unfair drug prohibition policy whilst being in charge of the NWRF. As they have a positive test under the NWRF drugs policy they ought/would be banned from the NWRF with the obvious inconvienience to themselves this would entail. Its a bit rich for them to claim a vendetta is being carried out against them when you consider the past NWRF bans and their personal involvement with those they banned.

As has been stated before neither organisations can afford a proper testing regime ( the HFL tests come in diffrent levels at diffrent prices neither organisation has done a full screen) and it appears that none of those in charge has a clue as to what the tests results mean or how testing should be done.

Yvonne and Tony don`t mind dishing out kangeroo court " justice" but aren`t so keen when they are on the receiving end. Seems hypocritical to me.
Well the labs Tony has stated in this letter were the labs that tested the Batsons and Mrs Cunningham's test when these both failed is he now saying that these tests may be wrong also?

I find it quite hypocritical that they dare to send a letter like this to every fed member all over the country speaking there mind and yet our membership in the fed will not be renewed in 2004, because gaz had the nerve to speak his mind.

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seams the lab was good enough whene steve and julie were banned :angry: but not now ey, i think they have a nerve, wasnt the first ecxuse that the dog had eaten stools left from another ,now this, most people have excuses but they fell on deaf ears in the past ,whats happening to what was once a freindly family sport ??? i know i was wrong with the way i went about it when i said what i and a lott of people thought, and have been told i am banned for ,including dee and dogs ,dee never said a word appart from telling me to be quiet ,personally i dont care if i am banned but dee should not be ,iam man enough to take my ban ,but are they man enough to take the same ,or are the rules different for certain people, looks that way to me..... ??? wonder if they sent a copy of this letter to THE TESTING LAB ???
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Not being a member of the N.w.r.f. has its advantages, you do not get unsolicited mail through your letter box, I will in good time have a copy and then i shall be able to digest the contents of this letter. I hope that it is something new to read and not the same excuses put up at the proposal meeting.
Well i still don't have the bloody letter :D

Maybe i've been banned too Dee? :w
You never know Vicky ..they both seem to do as they please.

In the letter they go on about different matters about why there test could be wrong IE: about the lab having a postal address about the wrong dates on there sample any normal human being could mix a date up , it was there bar code after all and these are unique .

And they also stander Murial and porky off.

The bit about test standing in a post office all the summer holidays is pathetic , we all know that the BWRA champs are at the end of the holidays , and it never took that long for them to find out about there positive test a week or two, i think they are clutching at straws now

Ill have to write this bit its at the bottom of the letter...

JOHN FITZPATRICK : he also took it upon himself NOT to inform BRWA MEMBERS OF THIS WHY?Will you as members be happy with your samples going to a post office and staying there through the summer holidays,and receiving a report with errors
So its okay for them to make decisions in the fed about inside outside hare and distances without informing members , god the cheek of it.

I think a members meeting should be called for in the fed i know a lot of people that have questions they want to ask.
If this was a fed member who failed on zero would they be allowed to put their point of view across to all the members or would be they called scum by the committee?

God have their (NWRF's) own policy's come back & bitten them on the arse or what? I just feel so sorry for the other people who have been banned by them, i know if it was me i'd have quite a bit to say!

The NWRF definitely need to start having proper meetings which the members can attend.
Yes i totally agree ..well no i don't think anybody else would of been able to speak out with an excuse as they are over a positive test makes you wonder, zeros has never been or ever will be a workable level , but at the time of them bring it in they were determined it would be, A LOT OF PEOPLE DISAGREED WITH THEM BUT THEY WOULDN'T HEAR NONE OF IT ...FUNNY HOW WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND WOULDN'T YOU AGREE
Why not get a workable level from the labs that they use? (i know it's nothing to do with their test with the bwra) it just makes you wonder - the labs must think whippet racers are a complete bunch of numb sculls to even try & set zero as a level, it also makes me wonder how any tests have come back as clear in the past.
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Well the labs Tony has stated in this letter were the labs that tested the Batsons and Mrs Cunningham's test when these both failed is he now saying that these tests may be wrong also?I  find it quite hypocritical that they dare to send a letter like this to every fed member all over the country speaking there mind and yet our membership in the fed will not be renewed in 2004, because gaz had the nerve to speak his mind.

I wonder if Gary and Denise would have been banned if his outburst was directed at Batesons or Irene Cunningham at the time of their positive results. What do others think?
I some how dont think we would of been banned
this letter is a dicgrace, what happened to the first excuse about the dog eating the other ones stools ,no one listened to excuses from past banned members so why should they be any different
Well i've still not got the letter so can't comment on that part, but like i said before i just feel sooooo sorry for people who've been banned in the past by NWRF without being allowed their say, the fact that this committee pushed a couple from the sport like Steve & Julie says it all, they played a big part in whippet racing & did everything to encourage the sport.

As far as i know the NWRF have never had AGM's but i can't ever remember there being such problems when people like Dave Thomson & Keith Fowler were on the board, on something as big as the "Kickboard Saga" for example i don't remember being asked for my opinion by the NWRF - do any of you?
This seems to becoming a big issue nobody seems to know what decisions are made by the fed committee or should i say tony and yvonne ..after a few phone calls we have made this week we have personally come to the conclusion that all fed decisions are made by tony and yvonne alone.


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