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Judge: Cath Whimpanny (Bunnyridge)

DCC : TURNBULL’s Elvencharm Zola at Turnstone JW

RCC : NICHOLAS’ Lowglen 'Owd Nick

BCC : OLIVER’s Norw Dan UK Ch Spyanfly Say It's Bardo BOB Group 3

RCC : POTTS’ Ch Klondyke Starlight JW

BPIB : COOPER’s Janelyn Goldtec Galia

Excellent entry for cath approx double 2003 entry.
I have found a really good way to keep people at shows longer, or should I say Manchester has. It was impossible to get a trolley out with all those people sqidged in there. We were hearing calls for the gangways to be kept clear, I dont know about the rest of you but I never saw a gangway :p

It was nice and warm and cosy though and the show is over 4 days next year so there will even be room fox Jax bum ;) :p
Well I thought the show was appalling ............. I have only been to Manchester once before and that was when they held it at Haydock Park. It was absolutely the pits that day and I vowed never to go to that show again. Silly me! I thought having moved to Stafford it would have improved but how wrong can one get.

For all the shows I have ever attended at Stafford I have NEVER sat in a queue of traffic like that to get in and it just went downhill from there. There is just one word that springs to MY mind for yesterday (and apparently Friday was just as bad)

[SIZE=21pt]Oh Karen !!! :eek: :eek: That is soooo wicked !! [/SIZE]Good job I`ve got a sense of humour (mind you with a bum the size of mine I need to have !!!!!!!!!!!!.

I`ll get you back , I`ll smash your face in !! Opps . I see someones done that already!! Touch`e :cheers:

, On a serious note WHY was it so crowded? they have Midland counties there with no problems don`y they

, and well done to you both , although why I should congrat , Karen after what she said !, I`m just that sort of person :huggles:
:D :D Well done Karen and Dessie :D :D

Really pleased you both did well, hugs to Rupert and Frodo.

I dont know why it was so bad, as Dessie says Midland counties is fine, perhaps they wanted to make it slightly different. We had no trouble getting in cos we are always so early. ;) The whole area was a sheet of ice when we got there and the paths were tretcherous, they were also dragging cars around with a tractor because the grass was like a bog in parts.

Inside was really bad, you could honestly hardly move, people coming in a bit later just couldnt get through the Toy benches to the Whippet benching with cages etc.

I think PANTS is a fairly generous discription. Im sure there were health and safety issues. We are always being visited by a field officer at our open shows was there one at Manchester show?

Last moan :b To stand in a woefully inadaquate ring in a class of 16 dogs and look across at 3 mini dachsunds being judged in a BIGGER ring was a bit galling.

Can you imagine the moaning if we hadnt won (w00t)

Jax, Thank you for your congratulations :huggles:
Karen , have you just had a `blonde` moment ? twas me who said Midland Counties have no problems. Did they have that tenting ?

A tin of [SIZE=14pt]Sardines[/SIZE] comes to my mind................but I found the answer, you buy a 40" plastic dog bed from one end of the show, then ram raid your way though. :p

Just didn't think about fitting it into Dessies little car to take it home :oops:

No Jax........No tents anywhere !
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What I objected to was when Millie punched me on the nose after having PAID for the bloody bed!!!!
Jax, I dont have 'blond' moments, all my waking life is blond, I have a very rare brown moment sometimes ;)
I agree, what a nightmare!! Once you managed to get to the whippet ring and benching I just couldn't be bothered to go through all the hassle of going anywhere else - even to the toilet!!

I felt really sorry for the borzoi's that were just outside the annex, they were practically in the 'gangway' - if thats what you can call it. I heard that Pastoral day was even worse.

Big congratulations to Karen & Dessie - both your dogs looked really great.

I think even if it is a 4 day show, the organisation needs to improve - just a little bit!!! :p

Midland Counties this year was such a joy, with a lovely large ring and plenty of space, so Manchester was a bit of a shock in comparison.
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Did any of you think to complain to the `powers` that be ?

Mind you not that it does much good , years ago I wrote to the sec of Darlington about the Crappy size ring we had there (and Like Karen was really pissed off about the breed in the next ring having nearly twice as much room with a quater sized dogsi!!) I didnt get so much as a reply and the following year it was just as bad , only that time we had humps and hollows too. :eek: But I still go if it`s a suitable judge :b

Karen , :cheers: Wasn`t too sure if it was natural or not !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oops: and before you start on me , yes I do dye the grey out . however do you think I look so young otherwise!!i :x :wacko:
I have been reliably informed that a field officer was at Manchester - so we will see what happens..........
Thanks for the congrats Joe, I saw you with your puppy, hes a lovely size and moved really well. I thought it was hard for the puppies because there was so much noise in the early classes with people setting up and all the tanoy stuff.
Thanks Karen! Thats really nice to hear, I just felt he was such a baby in that class.

But I was delighted with his behaviour even though he wriggled around quite a lot, as two months ago he would not let a stranger touch him on the table so really has come on leaps and bounds - so as long as he stood reasonably ( ;) ) still on the table I was happy. I have to say he is a complete joy to take out as he has such a biddable character whereas Archie couldn't care less as long as he gets his own way !!!

I agree it was a bit manic for the pups, especially with such a large class, then everyone having to push past the ring. But they all behaved impeccably - amazing really isn't it!
JAX said:
Did any of you think to complain to the `powers` that be ?
Mind you not that it does much good , years ago I wrote to the sec of Darlington about the Crappy size ring we had there (and Like Karen was really pissed off about the breed in the next ring having nearly twice as much room with a quater sized dogsi!!)  I didnt get so much as a reply and the following year it was just as bad  , only that time we had humps and hollows too.
Precisely, I think you answered your own question there Jackie!!!

I can't be bothered winding myself up complaining about shows that disappoint these days, I just don't go again, plenty of other things I can spend my money and time on!!!

Joe .......... thanks for the compliment about Rupert, unlike Karen we got in too late to see the MPD class so missed your boy (it's against my religion to get up in the middle of the night just to go to shows so cut it as fine as I can!! LOL)
Unfortunately for me I married a man whos religion requires him to almost have a full English breakfast, a shampoo and set and good shave before we leave for the show so we normally arrive and help set up :wacko:

Dessie, its interesting that you say you just will not go next year, what if the judge is just right for you?
If the judge is suitable I would go ALMOST to any uk show ,They`d have to be really special to get me to N I . I went once and suffered badly on ferry , My `friend` gave me some valium and I showed Mayzee like a Tart! ( no comments please). I was really away with the fairies (again no comments) :clown:

When Mancester was at Gmex I really did Vow NEVER was I going there again even if my old man was judging !!! as if !!

Its always Sods law that the judges that you don`t want to show under are judging `local ` and those suitable are at the wrong end of the country . Although being in the MIDLANDS does have it`s advantages . !! :cheers:
Jax Said:-

[SIZE=21pt]I showed Mayzee like a Tart![/SIZE]

I was really away with the fairies

No Comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huggles: :clown: :cheers:
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Jax, you asked for that, :p and by the way do you honestly think one valium would work like that ;)

Id forgotten about the ferry in March :x

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