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Manton She Brave Open


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A very good afternoon on all accounts, some very good racing, some good company, an afternoon of how racing SHOULD be.

Dogs up to 24lb None :(

Dogs up to 32lb

heat 1

1st Milligan 25

2nd Mr Peak 32

3rd Scud 28

4th Zenith 28 (a very tight race between all four)

heat 2

1st Shakira 27

2nd Firecracker Jo 30

3rd Cavendish Park 31

4th Vanderson 27 (another close race, Shakira just dipped his head at the right time from Firecracker Jo)

Bitches Up to 24lb

heat 1

1st Take your Pick 19

2nd Megans Pearl 23

3rd Whinny Skippet 24

4th One for Me 22

heat 2

1st Connors Lass 22

2nd Monkey 22

3rd Paradise Pleasure 23

4th Jackamite 21 (injured - hope she's better soon she came out the boxes wrong and seemed to be labouring, she hit a bump at it was the last straw, she went down but thankfully got up again and was able to get across the finish)

heat 3

1st Trouble Spot 16

2nd Stoppit Moppit 18

3rd My Cinderella 21

4th w/d Elbon Sioux 20

32lb Bitches

1st Fizz 25

2nd Moany Moany 29 (28lb 6oz Karen ;) )

3rd Jam Session 28

32lb Dog Final Shakira

24lb Bitch Final 1st Take Your Pick 2nd Trouble Spot 3rd Connors Lass (another good close race Take your Pick winning by 3 quarters of a body from Trouble Spot who beat Connors Lass by a short head.) Connors Lass is off the track for a good fortnight she's cut to pieces after coming out the boxes badly in the final, her hock is cut and down the side of her left leg, the inside of her left elbow and both her stoppers - purely her own fault she head butted the traps a few times before the lids went up then overbalanced on trapping and knocked herself down trying to overcompensate (silly bugger :unsure: ).

Final Fizz just got up to catch and overtake kennelmate Take your Pick with Shakira in behind.
Thanks Elise,

Saved me a job and there i was thinking i was clever saved programme to laptop to save re-typing and there you go got there before me. lol.

Hope Jackamite is ok - and as for 28 and 6oz (Blaze) one bread roll would have been sufficient you would have still got 28 but 3 thats just greedy ;) .

Hope everyone else enjoyed the day too and it did help having the Manton sunshine and friendly company and me and you and all the rest hahahaha.
Well done to all the winner's. Hope Jackamite and Conner's Lass are better soon. My Guess Who has a sore tail :( ain't got a clue why it's cut up so he off to the vet tomorrow if no better :eek: .
Fleesh, Jackamite did not come out of the boxes wrong, she trapped well & was still in the lead half way up when she hit a bump & lost her legs. She is known for being a right hand runner,& this is what she did.

Manton is known for being a bad track & i should have had more sense than to run there. [but you live &learn] It wasnt the dogs fault by not trapping properly ,it was my fault for running her on that track.
Hi John,

Sorry your dog was injured at Manton and yes i will be the first to say the track may not be the levelist of surfaces but i must say in defence that Manton has been going for over 30 years and we have had no more injuries than any other track. You have been running long enough to appreciate that dogs can get injured on any track be it flat or not. You visited THAT track last year and i believe trialled your dogs and returned this year - it obviously didnt seem too bad until you were unfortunate to get an injury if you thought it too bad you wouldnt have made another journey this year.

People who run clubs do alot of hard work to put on opens etc. and feel bad themselves when injuries occur on their tracks so yes i am sorry this happened but feel it rather unsporting of you to pull Manton down as THAT track. The club runs every week and has a good atmosphere and a good turn out most weeks if it was so bad i'm sure we would have called it a day before 30 years and i would be the first person to stop running my dogs there if i thought it dangerous at all - as people will tell you my dogs health and safety mean far more to me than anything else.

Hope Jackamite is soon fit and running again as i had said earlier - and i think she was the only unfortunate dog today to come off injured (it could have happened on any track!!!!)

Sorry to hear your bitch got injured John but as said before these things can happen anywhere, lets hope she is better soon. I have never been to Manton so cannot comment on the track but have heard it is a bit bumpy, but the members admit to this and i think they deserve credit as they are making the effort to improve their track for everybody, with thier plans to get the track leveled, i wish them well with this, and hope they run successfully for many years to come :D

No track is without its faults!! :D
Sadie &Coe, I would not have added to this topic , but i was a bit insenced that the true facts were not given in Fleeshes report. She stated that the dog came out of the trap wrong&did not recover from this which was totally untrue[she trapped well]

Least said the better


You have only been in the sport 5 mins & you are getting quite an expert[i think not] You are a little girl who lives in a fantasy world who makes statements that simply arnt true.[remember Horden]
The job of a reporter is to say what they see. I am not about to make any changes to the plans of my future career just because you don't agree with me.
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I am not going to get into a cat fight over this incident where yes your bitch was unfortunate by getting injured at Manton track - but as you were incensed by what someone else believed they saw i too was not exactly happy at our track being branded as being known as a "bad track" when the people running it have possibly been racing as long as yourself and have dedicated most of their racing time to keeping a club up and running for all these years and as it has been said many times recently we should be promoting whippet racing and trying to get it back to the enjoyable sport we once knew it as and not pulling down tracks and the way things are run. Clubs are getting less and less and if we loose all the clubs there wont be anywhere to hold the opens either!!

No doubt if we look around we can find fault with many things at many venues whether it be the track surface, the organising of an event, the equipment how long programmes take to come out (hey and on that note we were quite quick lol ok not many dogs but my claim to fame programmes typed and printed in approx 30mins) we could go on and on but at the end of the day this just causes ill feeling which the sport can well do without.

CASE CLOSED on my behalf now - but felt the need to defend our club contrary to what might be said of our track we have very few injuries, re-runs, arguments etc etc and run most weeks and most of the time the organisers are a friendly bunch - well unless my feathers are ruffled. lol
Hi all :D i would just like to say in defence of manton track that we have trained all our dogs on this track :p and yes the track does have a few bumps but this has never stopped us training our dogs on it..........we was not at the said open so can not comment but we know that jackamite is a right hand runner ??I am sure I speak for most people when i say we love to read Fleesh's comments on the racing :pso keep it up :blink:
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I am just stating that Fleesh stated that my dog trapped wrong ,therefore it was her fault she got hurt which was totally untrue.[she must have x/ray vision as she was over the finishing line,& people near the traps said she trapped o/kay]

It was not the dogs fault she got hurt it was the tracks fault.

This is a bad track & as for the statement dogs are just as likely to get hurt on any other track is absolutely absurd. Even people who were watching the racing said they did not run their dogs there because of the state of the track.

Why is it that you only get local dogs that are used to the track.

The track is a disgrace for a TOP TEN open. & should only be used for additional opens.

I love my racing & as this was the only OPEN on within tavelling distance i attended.[if there had been another OPEN on elsewhere i would not have been at this OPEN.] people all over the country have the same opinion.


Please come into the REAL WORLD & ADMIT THIS IS A BAD TRACK.
Fleesh stated that my dog trapped wrong ,therefore it was her fault she got hurt which was totally untrue
Ahh and now we get to the bottom of why you were calling me all things for giving my opinion of what I saw. When I say the dog came from the boxes wrong it doesn't mean it is the dogs fault (indeed you don't have to be racing for 15 years or more to know that a dog is never at fault when injury occurs during a race unless there is something deliberate like a dog turning or fighting). Coming from the boxes wrong simply meant that within the first 3 strides from the traps something happened in this case she seemed to dip or twist on her back end causing her running action to change - the brave little thing still tried her heart out but when she hit the bump she couldn't keep it up and went over and that is what I saw your opinion may have been different but that is no cause to call me as a teller of untruths.

That's the last of what I have to say on the matter, if you wish to continue your opinions you may do so to yourself.

If we all were wrong who did not agree then what kind of world would this be ? - granted very peaceful but would what we all agreed on actually be right or wrong ?
This is a bad track & as for the statement dogs are just as likely to get hurt on any other track is absolutely absurd.
ok before we start this is sadie not karen!! firstly i would just like to say how is this absurd just look around john for example how many dogs come off lame at the champs hmmm my own dog came off lame does that mean that melton track is a BAD track???? and i know for a fact others came off lame too!!!! whos fault????

We all run our dogs at the risk of occasionally getting injured it comes with the sport dont ya think??

As it happened i was waiting just before the traps for the next race with my dog when your little one had her race and yeah i thought she trapped ok but in her first few strides she seemed to be flying her tail abit and not running as she should and then she seemed to lose her legs from the beginning she didnt seem to be running as you would expect (this is how i saw it)!!

As for where top ten opens should be run every club is entitled to hold one.

Last but not least the dogs that have won our open just happen to be dogs that are winning all opens at that time not local dogs who run on our track all the time for example IBM, More Folly, Cracker, Shania, Short Spot and this year Fizz (yes runs at Manton regularly first one tho) are these not all good dogs who have won many opens not just Manton???
Like i said before i would never have added to this topic if someone had not made that STUPID STATEMENT inferring it was the dogs fault it got injured.

I wanted people to know the true facts.

People have the RIGHT TO KNOW how good or bad a track is before travelling hundreds of miles each year &spending hundreds of pounds on travelling.[they should not be descepted into going to bad tracks]

The dog has a bad injury & i would not like anybody else to make the same mistake. [CASE CLOSED] -_-
Fleesh, i dont think you mean to tell untruthes [like i said before you live in a fantasy world] -_- -_-
hi folks, just thought i,d say ,,i,v ran dogs at manton ,yes there,s a few bumps ,but my dogs were never injured on this track ,,and the people there are very friendly ,we always ad a good laugh ,,there can be injuries anywere u race so i think its wrong to blame manton track ,,, :angry:

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