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My little old man. .


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Hello everyone,

My name is fran and this is my first time using this forum.

I live with my husband, our 3 children and our beloved dog Tyler.

Tyler is a cross bred spaniel. We have had him since he was 7 weeks old and this year in October he will be 16 years old, so he is a very old boy!

During his life Tyler has avoided major health problems, (besides surgery on both back legs for ruptured cruciate ligaments). over the past 12 months he has been showing more and more signs that his age is catching up with him.

The last time Tyler visited a vet which was around 2 years ago he was given an overall good bill of health. (He hasn't been for his annual injections since that one as the leg surgery means he no longer leaves the house and garden).

Over the past 12 months Tyler's health has began to deteriorate. His hearing was the first to go, he no longer hears or barks at the door, followed by his ability to remember things. He walks to the door like he needs to toilet so we let him outside and he looks at you as if to say what am I doing out here and returns inside again. This happens 10 - 20 times per day.

Tyler has began panting. This is happening frequently and for long periods of time. It's as though he has been exercising vigorously yet he is lying down just panting quite hard. I googled this symptom and apparently it could indicate he is in pain?

Just lately, Tyler sometimes can't stand up right away and it takes him a minute to climb to his feet, particularly after sleeping. . But we have put that down to his age and the surgeries he has endured. .

Tyler still eats and drinks normally and interacts with us enjoying fusses and love. . It's the constant relentless panting and the thought he might be suffering that brings me here for advice. .

We are considering a trip to the vets in the next couple of days, but are terrified he won't come home again. . .

Anybody else been through similar or can advise??

Thank you for reading my story
Hello. It sounds to me that he might have a problem with his heart. Do not panic as there are plenty of medications that can help him if this is the case. I would however recommend a visit to the vet as soon as possible.

As for the doggy senility, I have used "Aktivait" with success. It really makes a big difference.
I have an old boy too . he has just turned 17 :)

he has stage 5 heart failure and mast cell ..he is also a little senile . He has started seeing in the house , he gets up at night and barks at the wall , he will pace not knowing what he is doing , he has started going off with other families ...his hearing isn't fab either but he isn't deaf..

Sooo , he is on medication for his heart , this has helped him a lot . We started giving him golden paste and we feel that has made a huge difference to his old man stiffness . He is a happy boy , he still has more good days than bad . He greets p[eople like he has always known them , he loves his food ,on his good days he loves to play with a ball . he doesnt go out for a walk every day , but the days he does he enjoys it ..we have started putting him on a long line as he does wonder off with other people lol..

After all the love he has given us over the years , the least we feel we can do is look after him now he is an old man ..when he starts having more bad days than good days we will have to make the hardest choice ever , but for now , he is old and he is senile , but he is happy .

as regards the medication , i don't know where you are (we are in the UK) , but our vet gives us a prescription for 3 months worth of drugs at a time and we buy them from an online vet pharmacy saving more than half the cost of the drugs if we bought them at the vets ., it works out at about £1 a day ..
It's so hard isnt it. My elderly spaniel pants a lot so I took her to the vet who listened long and hard and declared her heart to be fine. She is on a tablet called vitophyllin which helps blood supply between heart and brain and this has helped her Panting still does worry me though. However my dog is very clever, she pants, goes to the door, dosnt go out, tries again a few minutes later, as I am up again I think oh well I'll feed her now. Evening meal time can get earlier and earlier if I am not careful!,

Hope all goes well,

Thank you everyone for your replies, help and advice, it's deeply appreciated.

Last Thursday evening, we took Tyler along to the vets. The vet had a look at his medical history and fully examined Tyler.

He was surprised to discover that Tyler's heart sounded perfectly healthy and is functioning normally. He said that a dog of his age with his symptoms usually have heart failure but this is not the case for my boy.

The vet suggested a blood test to rule out any other organ damage so we agreed to proceed. Blood was taken there and then and we waited 20 minutes for the results. Again the vet was surprised, besides an enlarged liver (which apparently is common in old dogs) his blood showed no other internal problems at all.

Having ruled out heart and organ failure the vet had a good feel around inside Tyler's tummy.

He said, there are some prominent lumps and bumps inside that shouldn't be there which leads him to suspect cancerous tumours, which would explain the breathing difficulties if they have reached his lungs.

The vet said he could well be wrong, but felt in this case he was undoubtedly not wrong. .

He explained he could investigate further with scans, ultrasound, biopsies etc.

He told us to consider our options carefully. He said that investing lots of money into a diagnosis might not be wise. These tests would cost a small fortune, and if his diagnosis is proven right the next step would be euthanasia. Tyler is too old and sick to survive the aggressive surgeries and treatments that would be necessary to cure lung cancer.

He explained even if his suspicions were wrong, there is undoubtedly something very wrong inside Tyler's lungs and he outcome would inevitably be the same . .

He said we could try a weeks worth of medication that might make Tyler feel more comfortable and relieve him from the constant panting which is clearly causing him distress. We agreed this was the best thing to do all round and returned home with Tyler and medication. Unfortunately, the tablets don't seem to have helped much at all. He is still panting away.

We have a follow up appointment booked for this evening.

It is so very hard . . I obviously don't want my fur baby to suffer unnecessarily but the thought of saying goodbye later today is almost more than I can bare
It's heartbreaking to lose them. Try to remember your good times and know that you are doing what is best for Tyler. They say better a day too early than a week too late. I know that is no comfort but if Tyler could tell you he was uncomfortable you would only want the best for him. I am so sorry your first visit to the forum has been under such sad circumstances.
Hi Fran

I don't know how things are with you or if you will ever feel like picking this up. I have a favourite quote which I found some years ago and it may give you comfort.

For all the dogs you have loved and lost,

For all the dogs you still love,

For all the dogs yet to come.

Keep going, be brave

Much love,

Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts.

Tyler is no longer with us. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make in my entire life, but I knew it was selfish and wrong to allow him to suffer.

I take comfort in the knowledge he was a much loved and very spoiled family pet for 16 long happy years. . The house just isn't the same without my special boy . .

I'll stick around these forums in the hope I can one day help and support other members because it's comforting to know there are other people out there who love their dogs just as much as we loved Tyler.

Thank you to everyone who replied or even read our journey. . ☺️
I am so sorry. Thank you for saying you will stay around the forum; sharing our experiences, good and bad, are what it is all about. I hope your pain at losing Tyler eases and you know you did what was best for him. Take care.
Fran and family,

So sorry for your loss. This surely is the hardest part of loving a dog, but it comes to us all eventually. Be assured,the pain will ease with time and you will be able to look back on happy memories. ((hugs))

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