Poor kit managed to get out of our back garden last night (the wind somehow blew the gate open) & ended up on the road at the front, as soon as i noticed she'd gone we both went looking for her & whilst out a man came & said he'd knocked a dog over
Poor girl is very badly cut but doesn't seem to have any broken bones - she got rushed to the nearest emergency vet who sedated her & examined her, she needs one of her knee's pinning (it's right down to the bone) but they wouldn't do it until tomorrow because apparently she needs to get over the accident first - with her being pretty old, so i am going to have her transferred to my own vet tomorrow (under sedation) so she can be operated on, the main thing is she's out of it & is going to live!!
Poor girl is very badly cut but doesn't seem to have any broken bones - she got rushed to the nearest emergency vet who sedated her & examined her, she needs one of her knee's pinning (it's right down to the bone) but they wouldn't do it until tomorrow because apparently she needs to get over the accident first - with her being pretty old, so i am going to have her transferred to my own vet tomorrow (under sedation) so she can be operated on, the main thing is she's out of it & is going to live!!