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Gerald Connolly

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Hi new to the forum. seem to have done this the wrong way round. I have just lost my lovely Rottweiler bitch due to a womb infection. and now I join! she had problems all her life mostly with skin problems. she was on 1.5 tablets of 16mg Apoquel daily which seemed to more or less keep this under control but they are hellishly expensive.

I had recently purchased 300 tablets for her too which cots a fortune. I was advised to have her spayed if I didn't want to breed from her.

I've got a bitch that isn't spayed who's 18 years old, sometimes the roll of the dice doesn't workout unfortunately.
Very true. Don't blame yourself and don't let others pile blame on you. After one disastrous spaying, I vowed never to have another bitch spayed and I haven't. It isn't as clear-cut as people make out.
That is what I keep trying to tell myself but there is still the what if’s

I suspect there are many of us who will always have a 'what if?' Easy to say, hard to do - let it go! your bitch will always be with you (in your head and your heart) She will not begrudge that you chose the path you thought was best - that is all that any of us can do, with the information we have at an individual time. She will guard over you for ever - those are my beliefs and I talk with all those I have lost animals and humans, most days, thank them for guiding and advising me through this minefield of a life! Do her the honour of being strong, you may make a different decision another time - you may decide the same one is appropriate. I wish you all the very best! :)
There will always be what ifs - if I'd left the house 5 mins later I wouldn't have been in that road accident, if I'd chosen a different number in the lottery I'd be a millionaire, if you'd had her spayed she might have died under anaesthetic... We make the best decision we can for our animals at the time, and it's Fate that rolls the dice from there, not us.

Unless you've already found a new home for the medication, would you be able to pass them on to a local dog rescue? Knowing you have helped other dogs may bring you a little comfort.
That is what I keep trying to tell myself but there is still the what if’s

spaying isn't a perfect choice. it too comes with some increased risks of health issues. there is no perfect choice here. There is no way to know had you spayed your pup that some other health issue wouldn't have come up that ultimately ended life early.

Judy is 100% correct when she says "We make the best decision we can for our animals at the time". That is all we can do.

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