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:D Just to let those of you know who are going to SYWC tomorrow that on display for the first time will be a Handbook of Whippet Championship Show Judges. It is a complete record of all those who have judged since 1960 to date and who are still active plus next years confirmed judges. There is also a section of those people who are no longer active and those who are no longer with us. It details both breed specialists and all rounders at all club and general championship shows.

It really is worth a look as it reminds you of some of the long forgotten names and some you won't recognise.
Yes , Had a look at it and it`s a good idea as I told Edith . She gave me a form to fill in to order but I think £10.00 is way too expensive . :- "

Luckily I have kept all the year books since I started in whippets and can do one of my own :p

Mayzee kept the flag flying by winnning veteran. ! , and Mikkee was 2nd in Minor Puppy/

Didn`t stay for compellte ly the end although I know CH Fait Accompli At Savillepark won Best in show . because I had to rely on John and Wendy Foster to take me home `cos Id lost my keys somewhere in the house and had to get O H to take me up there !!

He wasn`t a happy bunny cos he had to fly back to take one of his Girls to play Football ! (now whats more important!! ;) )

Good news is , is that he found keys under the Toastie ! :eek: Now who would have looked under there ? Phew!! ;) l
:p :p Jax, you must be one of the few who think that. We took a number of orders today which suggests that most think it's good value.

Lokeren Be Ernie won Best Puppy Dog and Best Opposite Sex In Show Puppy. He was beaten by June Cox's nice young puppy bitch, Rearsbylea Tamarind.

No excuses but Ernie just does not like showing indoors especially when the heating system consists of hot air blowers. Having said that I was pretty damn pleased with what he won. For the first time today, I let someone else handle one of my dogs, Ernie. The young lady in question goes by the name of Tash (short for Natasha) and she has come over from Palm Beach, Florida for Crufts. She had accompanied a member of the SYWC committee as that's who she's staying with and what a cracking job she did with Ernie. Before her family emigrated she used to show Viszlas and Basset Fauves and the odd Whippet or two. She really does have an excellent empathy with the dogs she handles.

I am glad the judges didn't have to use the referee to decide Best Puppy as the referee had come with us!! It would have been rather awkward for both of us.
That book sounds great. How much is that in Aust $$$$$?. I would love one for myself & one for my friends at Martinique.

Can someone find out & how do I order?

The S Y W C results book is my bible , it not only has all the judges for the year , but also who they gave classes , that helps when they next judge , you can see if they are colour bias ! :eek: Facey (surely not :eek: :eek: ) or Did their own thing o:) . , and its alot cheaper too !!

Also if i`m right those wonderful people at S Y W C are putting in photos of CC winners AND Critique`s


DO I get extra brownie points Dawn and Richard ?? :thumbsup:
Brownie Points eh? one word 'bedding' :D

The new publication that Edith was showing was compiled (I understand) by Jan and Edith and covers Ch show judges for the last 30+ years indicating where they judged and when.

The SYWC results book which

those wonderful people at S Y W C are putting in photos of CC winners AND Critique`s
is a different bag of chips altogether. The results book gives the results but is difficult to use to find when, for example, JC last judged and where she last judged. The combination of the 2 ie results books and judges book will make things easier when looking at who did what, when they did it and who with.

Do we really want to know what Jax did and who she did it with (or who she would like to have done it with).

BTW Jax did you notice PMH with his Grand Kids yesterday? :D

one word 'bedding'
Even if i`d remembered it i wouldn`t have been able to bring it , not in HIS car :eek:

The results book gives the results but is difficult to use to find when, for example, JC last judged and where she last judged. The combination of the 2 ie results books and judges book will make things easier when looking at who did what, when they did it and who with.
Now you see , what I do is list on the back of the year book ALL the judges and what shows ! So all I have to do is look at the back for imformation :thumbsup:

Not into children of any age , as you know . ;)

Can`t really see the point of knowing about how many times some judges judgeds from 20+ years ago and are no longer with us .. :(
I wouldn't have thought £10 was expensive for any whippet book in today's market.I haven't seen this one though,to see if I would want it.I rely on Bj for information,she doesn't charge....

Think you would need to speak to who's selling the book Jon.

I got a whippet biennial for Lana last year,or the year before.The cost of sending it was a lot more than the book cost.A bit of a headache for Lana and me,no where wanted to except Aus dollars.Tried the post office and the bank.I would certainly do it again,but it was not as simple as we'd both thought it would be.

Also,even first class took a very long time to reach Lana.

I recently got Dawn to send me an SYWC catalogue from the last Champ show. It was 5 pounds and it cost Dawn 2 pounds something to send it. Total cost for me -once the exchange rate came into play and then I had to pay $15 to have the cheque drawn up, plus postage back - was close to $33. A very expensive catalogue I have to say (but I'm glad I've got it :D )
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Just did a currency conversion Jon - 10 pounds = $24.12 AUD

Then you have to add the cost of postage to pay back whoever sends it to you and the cost of getting a cheque drawn up ($15 at NAB).....unless of course you and the person/company selling the book has internet banking facilities. Is cheaper that way.
Just a hunch but would it have been cheaper for Lana if Jo had just sent her a zip file with all the catalogue on it with a sheet of results?.
Arnt you a clever girl Karen :D

,Maybe Dawn o r Richard will do that for her this year !! :b :x
I have used the SYWC result books along with Biennials to compile a spreadsheet.

Each judge has their own page with the list of CHAMP shows and their CC, RCC, BOB, BPIB, BV.and the breeding and owner of the winners. if they were only judging one sex it is cross referenced who the other judge was. ( Not bad For A Blonde

At the Minute that runs from 1987 - 2003 (w00t)

It took along time to build, -_- , but is a good reference for me, and I learnt a bit doing it too.

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