Hi I have a new lab puppy who is gorgeous but I am finding the lack of sleep etc very hard and feel myself getting very down a bit PND after I had my kids. Is this normal? He is 9 weeks old and generally quite good in the day but having to take him out about every 30 minutes to toilet which is hard when working from home but generally very few indoor accidents however at night he goes in his crate (not locked/dooropen) at 11 and take him out again 3/4am and then up at about 6/7am and it feels like having a newborn again, when I tried to not do the 3/4am letting him out he pooed in the house and still wees on the floor even with me getting up every 43/4 hours. I use treats when he goes outside but how long does it take for them to sleep through the night without needing to toilet? Any help or advice would be appreciated