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I have started this new topic because BWRA Is it true has gone off topic.

I attended the meeting held at Highgate to discuss the Bellwood affair .

During the debate a question was asked "how can we stop this happening again?"and the committee answered that a new account would be set up with internet access for committee members to view the account. This was last October. I found the statement below on the "is it true" thread


Funny you should mention this Geoff i was at the bank the other day well both banks

Old bank account is now officially closed with confirmation for whom it concerns

New account i opened at the time is no good for on line banking as its only a savings account and shows up on my on line banking but has my other accounts on there too... and this not been a problem i would give access to one or two of the committee but not all,( no offense meant )...also as explained if all com had access to the account and anything went wrong IE resined etc ..the password would have to be changed and in doing this would take 2-3 working days via post not really a brilliant idea after all

So Ive got a load of info on accessible accounts if we need to take that it stands i have with me at all times a savers book which you can only access the account paying in or taken out with i alway present it to at least one of the com at ever open ...i have how ever been getting counter cheques for all out going bills this year

I also intend on doing a 3 month accounts break down for our top table from now on with bank statments...

Hope this answers anyones questions

This post has been edited by DENISE BAILEY: Today, 12:24 PM

Having read this I am now concerned as it doesnt appear to match the promises made at the meeting.


the big bloke in the corner
Im concerned because all members of top table cannot check bank account without being able to look at Dee's private bank details.

I dont understand how this is possible if the fed has its own bank account.


the big bloke in the corner
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The kind of account shouldn't really make any diff. aslong as bank statments are shown to the rest of the comm. when they come in. I know with Dawdon if I don't bank one month I don't get a statement but as soon as I put money in I get one that month. Anyone can forge books as we have all learned but not bank statments. I'm sure the comm. have learned that if am excuse is made not to see the satatemts then something is wrong.
hope this answers your question graham :thumbsup:
I would also like to add...if at any point any one of our members thinks i am a untrustworthy person and should not be doing this job for what ever reasons , i am will to hand it over to someone more suitable..the dealings with Mr &Mrs Bellwood is now sorted the old account is now closed And most of this years trophy's are already got or been in the processes for been made .. the price and venue  of swallows-nest has been arranged and all the other opens ...linda deals with Portsmouth to be frank not much more needs doing financially this year apart from HFL ...

While this topic is in flo...i wish all that race with the NNWRF this year all the best and hope lots of you are successful there are some lovely prizes / trophy's to be won- know alot of hard work and time is been put in by Alison who is working on the dogs that achieve there straight champs titles at the min


Hiya Dee, I don't think for one minute anyone is suggesting your untrustworthy, but I for one don't agree with this type of banking which you have set up with the bank. I think we should have a separate account, which comes under clubs and charities, well at Lloyds TSB it does :thumbsup: with at least 2 signatories.

Regarding online banking, ie all the committee having access to the NNWRF bank account, I still think this is a great idea :thumbsup: regardless as to wether any of the committee resigns their position, because they would only be able to see the account, and would not be able make a withdrawal, and you could change the password when ever you like :thumbsup:

So please keep your promise, and lets have online banking :thumbsup: I know it's not a 100% fool proof, but it's a step forward from the last banking system we had, plus you will be seen to be looking after our money. ;)

The treasurers account Dee set up was a temporary account until the the bank account opened by Di had been closed as this account had only been frozen by the bank in case we needed to take legal action, now the situation has been drawn to a close this acount has now been closed. As Dee has said she has got info on different accounts and these will be discussed by the committee at the earliest possible convenience which will be 24th feb.We will endeavour to find the best account possible for the NNWRF members taking into account the most important thing security.

I think I can speak for the rest of the committee in saying Dee has done an excellent job in recovering what we did from the last treasurer and it is hoped she is willing to carry on, she has our 100% backing as does Vicky Harper who will be the second signatory on the account.
Thanks Linda  :)
No Geoff i am not happy with the bank account at present this is why i was in the banks a few days ago ...

As i have stated i am in the middle of sorting a new Easy banking for your club, charity or society out ...and until we the NNWRF COMMITTEE are all together i wont dream of making decisions for the rest of the committee off my own back.

The account has to suit all of us ....and have easy assess to Vicky and myself so at present i have details off a few banks and accounts that are very suitable for our needs.

Was hoping that the new account would be all up and running in a few weeks and the NNWRF Secretary could of got around to updating our members through k9 and whippet news , but seems you and Graham beat us to it ...cheers  :thumbsup:


The reason I voiced my opinion regarding the NNWRF bank account, because it was agreed in September/October 2007 that this online banking would take place :thumbsup: and we are now into February and the committee still don't have access to this agreed account. Sorry if I beat you to it Dee, but I'm renowned for not letting the grass grow under my feet (and I don't mean the smoking type) :lol:

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Here's another option for you Dee, Lloyds TSB Treasurer's account.


Easy banking for your club, charity or society, you don't want to have to spend time on administration that you could be spending on raising funds or looking after your members or clients.

Our treasurer's account is tailor made for small, non-profit organisations with a turn over below £50,000 (w00t) and can be set up straight away(Un-quote) :thumbsup: also online banking is included :lol: :oops: did I say online banking again :lol:

Geoff, who's proud of being in the NNWRF, with online banking of course :thumbsup:
milly said:
Here's another option for you Dee, Lloyds TSB Treasurer's account.(Quote)

Easy banking for your club, charity or society, you don't want to have to spend time on administration that you could be spending on raising funds or looking after your members or clients.

Our treasurer's account is tailor made for small, non-profit organisations with a turn over below £50,000 (w00t) and can be set up straight away(Un-quote) :thumbsup: also online banking is included :lol:   :oops: did I say online banking again :lol:

Geoff, who's proud of being in the NNWRF, with online banking of course :thumbsup:

Dee has details of this one Geoff the only problem with a treasurers account you can have automated payments going in but not out you do not get a cheque book or debit card actual transactions are done over the counter. I have one myself so I do know how they work

Dee and Vicky need to be able to sort an account out that provide the best service for the needs of the NNWRF as it does have bills to pay to H.F.L, AND TROPHY SUPPLIERS etc

All NNWRF members will be informed when it is done along with a financial report
Hiya Dee, I'm going down the town in the morning, I'll pop into my brach and see Philp Brightmore, he's the manager. I'll pick you some leaflets up if you like :thumbsup: many hands make light work, and a friend in need is a pain in the arse :lol: online banking here we come.
Dee has got l info on numerous accounts from all banks which the NNWRF committee will discuss on 24th FEB full details of the new account will be given to the NNWRF committee when opened, until that time the existing account will remain in place

By the way the NNWRF bank account is for the eyes and ears of NNWRF members only not a public website if any member has any queries or would like to see the accounts they are welcome to approach Dee
dee is doing her best geoff you will be the first to know when she sorts out fed buisness ,i would appreciate it if you would just back of a bit until our committee get together ,this is causing a little bit stress and giving dee the feeling she is not trusted hope this sorts things out if you want to know anything more regarding the fed bank acount you can speek to dee on sunday this is really not the place after all the work dee did after recent events

Dee has my full backing, the amount of work she has done to get the mess of last years accounts sorted out and to keep things rolling would in my opinion crushed other people. When the new account is sorted out then no doubt Dee will let us all know, until that date, i will support her 100% in anyway i can. I could very well understand your concerns if we didn't have a finacial report or accounts from Dee the treasurer but the committee have already had this. Keep doing the great job you are already doing Dee :cheers:
here here john,no way would i take the crap what would gan with this job (w00t) she wants a medle the size of a frying pan,steady away dee ya doing a splendid job :thumbsup:
mutley said:
dee is doing her best geoff you will be the first to know when she sorts out fed buisness ,i would appreciate it if you would just back of a bit until our committee get together ,this is causing a little bit stress and giving dee the feeling she is not trusted hope this sorts things out if you want to know anything more regarding the fed bank acount you can speek to dee on sunday this is really not the place after all the work dee did after recent events

No need for any stress Gaz :) Im sure anyone can look back over previous threads and see the enormous amount of support the present committee has from the membership with regard to recent events. Graham was just asking for clarification in reply to the statement Dee had put up on K9. I don,t think anyone has said in anyway that Dee isnt trusted, just that checks should be in place to protect everyone including the committee. I for one am happy now Dee has clarified the position and will wait patiently to find out the committees decisions. :)

All the best

members should be grateful the new fed are no longer such a closed shop as in the past :( and members have more involvement than before :thumbsup: Dee has explained it numerous times everything is in order dont think she needs to keep going over it all :( no offense to you Marie :thumbsup: committees are in place to look after members and i hope thats what we the committee are seen to be doing even though it is supposed to be a non democratic committee the nnwrf do keep members informed and up to date :thumbsup:
I would just like to add that I personally have no problems with any one of the NNWRF membership asking any type of question regarding the work I do as treasurer , whether  it be on k9 ,face to face or through the whippet news.
This topic started by Graham to me is no different to most topics on here, I feel that I have answered the question as honestly and detailed as I possible can (unlike some) I know I tend to waffle and repeat myself a bit from time to time so you’ll all have to bear with me lol . I certainly welcome all comments made that might help me improve the way I do any of the NNWRF work load... but too many cooks spoil the broth so they say

I did at one point today feel rather stressed and untrusted , this was due to some of the posts made by one k9 user , in fact I felt as though he was deliberately trying to belittle me ... which I do not take kindly too, however this will hopefully get sorted out very soon

As soon as the new NNWRF bank account is up and running and all the committee are happy with it the members will be updated through the right channels.


First of all Dee, If you think that my posts were to make you feel belittled, untrustworthy and to cause you stress then please accept my unreserved apology.

If I didn't trust you or any of the committee I would not have put my hand in my pocket like the rest of the committee, and work my balls off to the disadvantage of my dogs.

The only point I was trying to make was that it was agreed that the committee would have access to the account on a day to day basis :thumbsup: and it was your idea :thumbsup: then after reading your post it looked as though this was not going to be :( I honestly thought that you knew that I was winding you up and having the crack :clown: ie I'll call in at the bank and get you some leaflets :clown: and the treasurer's account which allows you to have upto £50,000 in it :clown: I could not give you this apology before now because I'm having trouble with my modem :rant: but I have found a spare one :thumbsup:

So Dee, just to make you feel better I would like to reassure you that most of the membership I've spoken to over the last few months think that you are doing a thankless job (unpaid) and that we ALL :wub: you.


ps. online every time :lol:


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