I have started this new topic because BWRA Is it true has gone off topic.
I attended the meeting held at Highgate to discuss the Bellwood affair .
During the debate a question was asked "how can we stop this happening again?"and the committee answered that a new account would be set up with internet access for committee members to view the account. This was last October. I found the statement below on the "is it true" thread
Funny you should mention this Geoff i was at the bank the other day well both banks
Old bank account is now officially closed with confirmation for whom it concerns
New account i opened at the time is no good for on line banking as its only a savings account and shows up on my on line banking but has my other accounts on there too... and this not been a problem i would give access to one or two of the committee but not all,( no offense meant )...also as explained if all com had access to the account and anything went wrong IE resined etc ..the password would have to be changed and in doing this would take 2-3 working days via post ...so not really a brilliant idea after all
So Ive got a load of info on accessible accounts if we need to take that road...as it stands i have with me at all times a savers book which you can only access the account paying in or taken out with ...so i alway present it to at least one of the com at ever open ...i have how ever been getting counter cheques for all out going bills this year
I also intend on doing a 3 month accounts break down for our top table from now on with bank statments...
Hope this answers anyones questions
This post has been edited by DENISE BAILEY: Today, 12:24 PM
Having read this I am now concerned as it doesnt appear to match the promises made at the meeting.
the big bloke in the corner
I attended the meeting held at Highgate to discuss the Bellwood affair .
During the debate a question was asked "how can we stop this happening again?"and the committee answered that a new account would be set up with internet access for committee members to view the account. This was last October. I found the statement below on the "is it true" thread
Funny you should mention this Geoff i was at the bank the other day well both banks
Old bank account is now officially closed with confirmation for whom it concerns
New account i opened at the time is no good for on line banking as its only a savings account and shows up on my on line banking but has my other accounts on there too... and this not been a problem i would give access to one or two of the committee but not all,( no offense meant )...also as explained if all com had access to the account and anything went wrong IE resined etc ..the password would have to be changed and in doing this would take 2-3 working days via post ...so not really a brilliant idea after all
So Ive got a load of info on accessible accounts if we need to take that road...as it stands i have with me at all times a savers book which you can only access the account paying in or taken out with ...so i alway present it to at least one of the com at ever open ...i have how ever been getting counter cheques for all out going bills this year
I also intend on doing a 3 month accounts break down for our top table from now on with bank statments...
Hope this answers anyones questions
This post has been edited by DENISE BAILEY: Today, 12:24 PM
Having read this I am now concerned as it doesnt appear to match the promises made at the meeting.
the big bloke in the corner