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Non Stop Bad Luck


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:( Not sure how much more bad luck i can take. First jasmine came into season and got the cough a week before the championships... Then on easter monday our lovely puppy starr (waddle off & tinkerman) broke her hock running a round the garden.The vet put it in plaster, he said it was to bad to pin or plate and we had to wait two weeks to find out if she would be ok.Thankfully she was and it looks like she will make a full recovery. she still has to have it bandaged and supported for a few more weeks then she will hopefully be ok.No racing for her but she is going to much a wonderful pet..... Then tonight i take jasmine( our touch) down the golf coarse at the bottom of our lane to have a run and soon as i let her go she caught sight of a rabbit and off she went she disappeared and came back a little while later soon as i saw her i know some thing was wrong,she was covered in blood when i picked her up both her front legs and underneath was cut to bits i think she must of got caught up in barbed wire.It made me sick to look at her cuts i carried her home and have cleaned her wounds up ,i have given her painkillers and antibiotics and our friend the vet is coming first thing in the morning to see her.She is sound a sleep now and seems comfortable.

The hardest thing is Rob is still in hospital and im not too good when it"s one of my own.

We were so looking forward to fordingbridge on sunday, but hopefully jasmine will be ok in a few weeks and we can get back to racing and no more bad luck.

Tina :thumbsup:
robpoole said:
:( Not sure how much more bad luck i can take. First jasmine came into season and got the cough a week before the championships... Then on easter monday our lovely puppy starr (waddle off & tinkerman) broke her hock running a round the garden.The vet put it in plaster, he said it was to bad to pin or plate and we had to wait two weeks to find out if she would be ok.Thankfully she was and it looks like she will make a full recovery.  she still has to have it bandaged and supported for a few more weeks then she will hopefully be ok.No racing for her but she is going to much a wonderful pet..... Then tonight i take jasmine( our touch) down the golf coarse at the bottom of our lane to have a run and soon as i let her go she caught sight of a rabbit and off she went she disappeared and came back a little while later soon as i saw her i know some thing was wrong,she was covered in blood when i picked her up both her front legs and underneath was cut to bits i think she must of got caught up in barbed wire.It made me sick to look at her cuts i carried her home and have cleaned her wounds up ,i have given her painkillers and antibiotics and our friend the vet is coming first thing in the morning to see her.She is sound a sleep now and seems comfortable.The hardest thing is Rob is still in hospital and im not too good when it"s one of my own.

We were so looking forward to fordingbridge on sunday, but hopefully jasmine will be ok in a few weeks and we can get back to racing and no more bad luck.

Tina :thumbsup:

Hi, isnt life just a bitch at times, dunno who Rob is but good luck to him, as for Jasmine, good luck to her as well, not much comfort from me i know, but there you have it :luck:

keith x
Sorry to hear about all your bad luck Tina hope your dogs soon recover and rob is out of hospital asp
sorry to hear about your bad luck :(

sending good luck vibes :huggles: :luck: :huggles:

Elaine and Sally
hope your luck changes soon and everyones on the mend. we have had simaler thing happen last year with ours and it seams like on ething after another but it does get better stick in there

Sorry you've been having such bad luck. I hope your dogs and Rob are all better soon. :luck:
Sorry to hear about Jazzy. Hope it's not too serious and that she recovers soon for you and Rob :thumbsup:

Love Keeley & Tam
rry to hear your bad news they say it comes in threes so lets hope some good luck is on the way :luck: :luck: :luck:
:luck: iam sure things can only get better ( as the song goes ) :luck:
:( aww tina hun have a nice big cuddle of us here hun :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: hope thing get better for you :huggles: :luck: :luck:
sounds like they cant get any of luck for the future :luck: :luck:
robpoole said:
:( Not sure how much more bad luck i can take. First jasmine came into season and got the cough a week before the championships... Then on easter monday our lovely puppy starr (waddle off & tinkerman) broke her hock running a round the garden.The vet put it in plaster, he said it was to bad to pin or plate and we had to wait two weeks to find out if she would be ok.Thankfully she was and it looks like she will make a full recovery.  she still has to have it bandaged and supported for a few more weeks then she will hopefully be ok.No racing for her but she is going to much a wonderful pet..... Then tonight i take jasmine( our touch) down the golf coarse at the bottom of our lane to have a run and soon as i let her go she caught sight of a rabbit and off she went she disappeared and came back a little while later soon as i saw her i know some thing was wrong,she was covered in blood when i picked her up both her front legs and underneath was cut to bits i think she must of got caught up in barbed wire.It made me sick to look at her cuts i carried her home and have cleaned her wounds up ,i have given her painkillers and antibiotics and our friend the vet is coming first thing in the morning to see her.She is sound a sleep now and seems comfortable.The hardest thing is Rob is still in hospital and im not too good when it"s one of my own.

We were so looking forward to fordingbridge on sunday, but hopefully jasmine will be ok in a few weeks and we can get back to racing and no more bad luck.

Tina :thumbsup:

What a morning, our friend the vet came first thing to have a look at Jasmine, and decided she needed stitching up.He did all the necessary things and made a nice job of her wounds.He gave her a injection of penicillin and we made her comfortable in one of the big cages, so the other two little ones can"t bother her,and off he went.

A little while later i checked her :eek: and oh my god HER FACE ,EYES MOUTH HAD DOUBLED in size and she was very distressed.I called the vet back he came straight away, she"d had a reaction to the penicillin.He give her another injection and i bathed her face finally after a little while all started to go down.

She is fine now, her face is a little swollen still but should go down by tonight.

The vet said in all his 20 years + working as a vet that this has only happened to one other dog he has treated.Poor Jazzy had to be the second.

Hope fully that will be the end to it all. :luck:

I would also like too thank everone for they kind words.

many thanks Tina :thumbsup:
:( Sorry to read of your run of bad luck, sometimes its just one thing after another :blink: :luck: :luck: Hope everything turns out well.

Sounds like you have had a terrible time, not to mention the dogs! Hope they all start to feel better. Sometimes feels like a load of bad luck..............but if we all only had one whippy then it prob wouldnt be as bad, but as we all know 'one is never enough!!' We've had our share of cr*p too, but it all seems to work out in the end, otherwise we would all give up and go into hedgehog farming (w00t) apparently the latest craze is white ones instead of hamsters!! :blink:

Hope all the dogs feel better soon.

chris :)
Lets hope that Jazzie feels a little better and that Rob is soon out of hospital and you can start to relax alittle Tina wishing you all the best love Tam and Shelley :)
Sorry to hear you have had all this bad luck Rob & tina your luck has got to change soon .Hope Jazzy gets better soon & little star

Vicki & Mick xxx :luck: :luck: :luck:

Just one thing after another, cant't image how you much be feeling right now. Put a smile on that lovely face off yours, we are all thinking off you. Let's hope that things start to pick up soon.

Give our love to Robby.

Give us a call if you need anything.

Lots of Love Jimmy & Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxx

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