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North And Central Queensland Floods


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Well we've been coping pretty well here in Townsville, sick and tired of muddy paw prints and mud splatter :( but the yard is holding up pretty well considering all the rain we've had. Managed to mow the lawn yesterday so the whippets don't get lost in it. :) Amigo is about the only one enjoying the wet ground, keeps trying to get the others out of bed to play in it. Although it's lock up time on dusk because of all the cane toads ..... horrible things. :rant:

Just wondering how everyone else is going, especially around Mackay and inland to Emerald etc. areas

If help is needed, I'm sure if it is known, we'll all try to help. Take care :luck:

On Saturday night the creek at the back of our place must have come up pretty high as half of the neighbour's mine equipment was washed down to the little bridge and a neighbouring farmer had to come and shift stuff off the road and move tanks and pipes and gear up to higher ground.

The back of our place (the lower paddock on the creek behind our house which sits high on the (original) bank) flooded a number of times. Our picnic table (cemented into the ground) down at the creek went right under twice. The yard is a mudpit and now with a bit of sun today it's starting to stink. But other than that we're fine. I've got some photos I will post later.

I'm not attempting to mow yet - too scared of bogging the mower and hubby's away for another two days yet. Will give it a little more time to dry out a little.

I hope the rain stays away now - so that we can have our Mackay shows (in 2 weeks' time) in comfort, not knee high in mud or worse still have the shows cancelled completely. :eek:
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aslan said:
On Saturday night the creek at the back of our place must have come up pretty high as half of the neighbour's mine equipment was washed down to the little bridge and a neighbouring farmer had to come and shift stuff off the road and move tanks and pipes and gear up to higher ground.
The back of our place (the lower paddock on the creek behind our house which sits high on the (original) bank) flooded a number of times.  Our picnic table (cemented into the ground) down at the creek went right under twice.  The yard is a mudpit and now with a bit of sun today it's starting to stink.  But other than that we're fine.  I've got some photos I will post later.

I'm not attempting to mow yet - too scared of bogging the mower and hubby's away for another two days yet.  Will give it a little more time to dry out a little.

I hope the rain stays away now - so that we can have our Mackay shows (in 2 weeks' time) in comfort, not knee high in mud or worse still have the shows cancelled completely.  :eek:

Oh Lana sounds like you are having a time of it :eek: ...sometimes I think people in the UK forget that Australia does'nt have full baking sun the whole year around.

Hope it does'nt get any worse and you can still have your show in 2wks time! :thumbsup:
Oh Lana sounds like you are having a time of it :eek: ...sometimes I think people in the UK forget that Australia does'nt have full baking sun the whole year around.

Hope it does'nt get any worse and you can still have your show in 2wks time! :thumbsup:

I was just thinking the same....only imagine sun and outdoor life in Aus....unless they are having fires. :lol:


hope all dries up for you all soon :luck:


aslan said:
Hope you won't need to build a house boat just yet. Heard today that Rockhampton will be receiving the overflow from 3 rivers so I hope the sand bags hold. What a vast country OZ is, here in south east Tasmania we have only received 6mml's of rain in 2 months, all of our dams are bone dry and if it wasn't for the bore water all the stock would be moved off the property.

There are no muddy paws in this household, unlike you we are desperate for a downpour. Hope the ground dries up for your local Mackay show Lana.
Here's a couple of pic's taken Friday of a friend house which we are looking after at the moment, we were around there making sure all was ok when a large storm arrived, so we were stuck for a bit. I'm lucky with my place as it sits on higher ground but I still didn't like been stuck away from my dogs.


Actually, minus the widespread severe flooding to other areas - this is just like the wet seasons we used to have 15-18 years ago when I first arrived in the Pioneer Valley. I was teaching then and regularly in late January, early February the heavy rains would come for days on end and all the little creeks and gullies in the area would swell and make a number of the low-lying bridges impassable and many properties isolated because people couldn't get out of their driveways. We could always count on at least one or two days at this time when students couldn't get to school and teachers that had actually arrived and lived in the area were sent home incase they couldn't get back home later in the day. But usually as quickly as the creeks came up they would go down again - usually only lasted a day or two.

The creek at the back of our place often floods the low paddock in heavy rain but it is usually very short lived - like a mini flash flood and not very deep, up and down again in a couple of hours. But since Rob built the permanent picnic table down the back I've only seen it go right under water three times and two of those times were in the one day - last Sunday!
This is what our picnic area looks like when there's no water - picnic table in the center of the pic
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Now if you can imagine, to take the pic below, I am standing at the far left of the pic above, up on the bank (upon which our houses are situated).

The arrow indicates roughly where the picnic table is. (w00t)
Still standing in the same position this is scanning across to my right. The thin black lines indicate where the creek usually runs and from my position here you usually cannot see the water in the creek. Our house sits up on the bank at the right of this pic.
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At the right of the pic above you can just see the top of a wire fence covered in debris. This is a closer shot. There are three rungs of wire on this fence. The top one would be about four feet high. So there's about 3 and a half feet of water running through this paddock at this time and there had obviously been more the night before - the remants hanging on the top rung.
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Sweeping back around to the far left of the first flood pic now (about 150 deg to the left of where I am standing) and this is the water at the bridge at lunch time on Sunday. It had been well over the road the night before. You can see it has taken away large bits of bitumen.
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OMG!!! :eek: :eek: Christina & Lana I cannot believe that you have had that much rain :eek: Lana those pics of your picnic area are unbelievable :wacko: is it still as high or has it gone back down again???
05whippet said:
OMG!!!  :eek:   :eek:   Christina & Lana I cannot believe that you have had that much rain  :eek: Lana those pics of your picnic area are unbelievable  :wacko: is it still as high or has it gone back down again???
I live on the top of a steep hill in Emerald, Vic. I've often wondered what it is like in Emerald, Qld. I think I'll stay here! We don't get floods but we can get snow & bushfires. I'm not sure which is worse.

Seriously, Lana & Christina - are you both okay? What about other dog show people? Is anyone out there helping the domesitic pets that get left behind when their owners decamp to the safe areas? I don't understand why pets aren't allowed in them - I wouldn't be going anywhere without my dogs.

Think of the wonderful hay crop you'll get next season!

I'm fine and I think so is Lana (we're about 4 hours apart in distance) the water goes up and down here pretty quickly. As I've said I am lucky where my house is situated, I've only lost one palm tree due to the sodden ground and a little bit of water under the house (which is raised about a metre off the ground), I'm glad the dogs can't get under there otherwise more mud :) The house next door however their driveway fills up so it looks like a long lap pool. At the moment most of the rain is centrally located. Although there was mention of more storms forcasted for us this weekend.

My main worry has been how others inland and down the coast, have been coping especially around Emerald and such. I haven't heard if anyone in the dog world is needing assistance, so hopefully they are ok. I hate seeing on the news the cattle and horses stuck in the water, not really knowing where to go. Very sad. I have been trying to find out if there is assistance needed, such as food, boarding etc.

A friend in Brisbane said she had seen on the news that people were leaving their pets behind to fend for themselves. I would be devastated if I had to leave my dogs behind and I really don't think I would. It was bad enough being seperated from them last week although I knew they were ok, drier then I was.

I would not, could not leave my dogs behind. I would be driving away with them in the trailer long before it got to my house. And if I couldn't drive away with them then I'd be staying and going under with them I'm afraid.

If I was forced to leave them then you be killing me anyway because I would not cope, I would die of distress.

We are fine - the water in that creek goes up and down like a yo-yo when there is heavy rain for prolonged periods. I just can't believe how high it must have been on Saturday night to float the neighbours' heavy equipment and send it all crashing into the little bridge. My other neighbour told me today that one of the barges is actually missing and must be downstream somewhere. Apparently it is was took the bitumen off the road atop the bridge.

We've had two days of sunshine now and the ground is starting to dry out already. Rob mowed today where you see all that water above!

I live on the top of a steep hill in Emerald, Vic. I've often wondered what it is like in Emerald, Qld. I think I'll stay here! We don't get floods but we can get snow & bushfires. I'm not sure which is worse.
Gail, Yes - they are having a terrible time of it, there's no denying the flooding there is very severe - but regarding not going there ..... I cannot remember Emerald ever having flooded like this before? And I've lived in the west and central Qld for about 19 years now.
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aslan said:
Thanks for posting the pics from your "backyard" the amount of water surrounding you is incredible. Glad you & the k9's are safe.

I hope the stock loss is minimul just an absolute tragedy for the farmers and their livestock, if only things would happen in moderation and not in these extreme conditions.
Thanks for those pics ,Lana , (w00t)

Do you let the dogs go swimming in the water or is it dirty ?

How long does it usually take to dry out completely
:lol: Jax.

There are a couple of items to deal with here:

1. LET the dogs go swimming? No, the water is full of all types of horrid unknowns; the scariest of which is snakes.

2. Let the dogs go SWIMMING? Swimming? My dogs? The three words do not go in the one sentence. I have not owned a whippet yet who has liked to swim!

"Running through splooshy mud? - oh yes, that's a great lark. Digging until you find the water pipe and the leak and the splooshy mud? - oh yes that's excellent fun too. Running in wet sand on a beach? oooooh we LERVE that! Immersing yourself in the WATER - :eek: NO! NO WAY! Not even on the hottest of days." (w00t)

3. Third day of sunshine today and the ground around the house still has some give in it but is mostly dry. I'm not sure about down the back.

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