Our AGM will be held at Horsepath Village Hall,Oxford on Saturday December 1st.Please arrive 10.30 for a prompt 11 am start. We look forward to your seeing you all.
Any items for the agenda, please could you put them in writing to Stephy Hood (Secretary) and send them to 18,Walnut Tree Ground,Fyfield,Andover,Hants. SP11 8EH or stephy@mythyar.plus.com. Any enquiries, call Stephy on 01264 771163 or 07825225138
All items to be with the secretary by Thursday Novermber 1st :thumbsup:
Any items for the agenda, please could you put them in writing to Stephy Hood (Secretary) and send them to 18,Walnut Tree Ground,Fyfield,Andover,Hants. SP11 8EH or stephy@mythyar.plus.com. Any enquiries, call Stephy on 01264 771163 or 07825225138
All items to be with the secretary by Thursday Novermber 1st :thumbsup: