Hi all
The committee wish to thank everyone who attended the show on Sunday.
Both exhibitors and stall holders, for the financial support. Also, the generous
raffle prizes people donated, the proceeds of which helps towards the cost of the venue.
I have seen on the other link that the new website address has been added, where the show results have been published along with a very nice photo of the Best in Show. Thanks to Jo Keenan who is the designer and site editor. The website address is
I hope you have all enjoyed a Bank holiday Monday, which has been very sunny here in Essex, where I have spent the day gardening.
Thank you all once again
Pat for
National Whippet Association Committee :cheers:
The committee wish to thank everyone who attended the show on Sunday.
Both exhibitors and stall holders, for the financial support. Also, the generous
raffle prizes people donated, the proceeds of which helps towards the cost of the venue.
I have seen on the other link that the new website address has been added, where the show results have been published along with a very nice photo of the Best in Show. Thanks to Jo Keenan who is the designer and site editor. The website address is
I hope you have all enjoyed a Bank holiday Monday, which has been very sunny here in Essex, where I have spent the day gardening.
Thank you all once again
Pat for
National Whippet Association Committee :cheers: