PUPS UP TO 25 lady tops 23 winner
dream chaser 19
pups 35
x factor 26 winner
yearlings 25/35 weller 29 disq
maddies boy 24 winner
vets up to 25
tom smith 22
a little closer 21
ruby 20 2nd
vivs merlin 18
little rascal 16 1st
36 scratch
winner nikitason
winner jnr walker
azuro punto
no limit
winner deanside colin
bitches 20 black bambi 1st
lyrical lilly
bitches 25 amys girl 25
cavendish lady 24 winner
game on 21
free tops 20
30 lb bitches clap trap 30 winner after dead ht
free spirit 27
vivs perfection 26
not now millie d/h
dogs 20 winner xbecks 20
rebel rouser 18
minty 23
25 vivs twilight 19 pup winner
30 ht 1 yaxi 28
no deal 28
boomerang 28 winner
ht 2 glimmer 26 d/h
steels gift 26
you never know 26 d/h both through in to class final class winner
35 may be magic 31 1st
double act 31
bubble boy 28 pup
over all vivs twilight beat cavandish lady
another well run open all though we were missing a few key personel the gang sorted it well done to all the winners
dream chaser 19
pups 35
x factor 26 winner
yearlings 25/35 weller 29 disq
maddies boy 24 winner
vets up to 25
tom smith 22
a little closer 21
ruby 20 2nd
vivs merlin 18
little rascal 16 1st
36 scratch
winner nikitason
winner jnr walker
azuro punto
no limit
winner deanside colin
bitches 20 black bambi 1st
lyrical lilly
bitches 25 amys girl 25
cavendish lady 24 winner
game on 21
free tops 20
30 lb bitches clap trap 30 winner after dead ht
free spirit 27
vivs perfection 26
not now millie d/h
dogs 20 winner xbecks 20
rebel rouser 18
minty 23
25 vivs twilight 19 pup winner
30 ht 1 yaxi 28
no deal 28
boomerang 28 winner
ht 2 glimmer 26 d/h
steels gift 26
you never know 26 d/h both through in to class final class winner
35 may be magic 31 1st
double act 31
bubble boy 28 pup
over all vivs twilight beat cavandish lady
another well run open all though we were missing a few key personel the gang sorted it well done to all the winners