My PRT bitch who is 3y old, partially ruptured her biceps tendon at the end of last year, it has been a nightmare of an injury to heal, she has had 2 intra-articular injection of Depo Med and after the second injection this has seemed to help. I have had Reikie and Acupuncture also done on her. She is VERY high energy and is very difficult to keep rested, we had to crate rest her to begin with, then exercise her on a short lead for 5 minutes and eventually build her up to longer exercise on a long line flexi. She can now, 9m on do 2 1/2hrs partially on the flexi and at last enjoying periods of time off the lead too. I wondered if anyone else's dog had had this injury and how long it was until the dog was totally safe to run free. The vets cant obviously give me any firm answer on this one, and after such a long period of healing, i'm slightly twitchy about just letting her run. She catches rabbits with apparent ease and is one of those dogs that can scale 5ft of fence in a flash. She is generally obedient and returns to the whistle, but EVERYTHING is done at high speed. It was bursitis and bicipital tendinitis that she had according to the xray that was done when they put the dye into the joint.
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