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Please help - insurance for british bulldog


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Hello everyone,

I'm new to this site so apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong place!

I now own a rescue British Bulldog and am looking for insurance. I spent hours looking last night but just ended up totally bamboozled!

I have other pets and all are insured but I want to make sure I get it right with Ed as it would appear he's likely to develop cherry eye. I'm only looking at lifelong cover.

Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Many thanks :- )
Pet Plan- they are expensive but if you insure him now, then he will be covered for life including any ongoing prescriptions you could need with any illnesses or ailments later on in life.

You pay £90 excess and the rest is either paid directly to you vet so you don't have to shell out a penny or they pay you back within 4 days of receiving the forms from the you and the vets.

I would never chose anything else.

Sophie x
i use sainsburys second best plan, they have been fantastic for us, and with out last dog who had some very very serious injuries...we are with more than for my old dog and we are stuck with them because of his age but i wouldnt ever use them again
Forgot to say as well, what ever policy you choose try and get one the covers FOR THE LIFE of the illness too..of course that dose mean you will have to stay with the same insurance company and unless your dog has already had problems with his eyes i wouldnt talk to the insurance company about illness you think your dog may or may not not saying lie to the insurance company..that would be fraud but i wouldnt go through illness they may or may not develop if you havent got any problems now. Each breed are prone to their own problems , which the insurance companies have lists for and each breed is priced according to risks associated .. for example my dog is german shepherd collie was £10 a month cheaper for me to insure Willow as a collie cross than as a german shepherd cross for some daft reason. ????? .i would never ever lie on an insurance form..its not worth the risk, but things like this can make a difference to the monthly payments
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