My pregrant (50 days) whippet bitch has developed a rash on her tummy. It is only on one side of the belly and at first was just very pink on the part with no hair and flaky on a section under the hair on that side. The rest of her coat is in show condition, shiny and clear of any flaking. There are definitely NO fleas. I took her to the vet on Monday and he prescribed 15 days of Rilexine 600 (half 2x per day) and F10 germicidal cream. I am VERY anxious about her having the antibiotics in pregnancy and they do not seem to have helped. If I stop them will she develope resistance. How long before one should see improvement if the prescription is correct. The tummy now has two raw patches which are also a bit pussy. There does not appear to be itching as she is not scratching. She does lick but not excessively. The sun does make it worse so have been keeping her indoors. PLEASE HELP as she will not be able to feed her pups in this state and I am panicking.
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