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Prosthetic for tripawd?


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Hi guys, first time poster here

I'm soon to be adopting a little mongrel dog from a Romanian shelter. She's missing most of her front leg, and I've never had a three-legged dog before. In fact, she will be my first dog that I own myself as an adult!

I'm looking into possibly getting her a professionally made prosthetic or potentially rigging up something for her myself. I want her to be able to go for walks without putting too much strain on her other front leg.

Has anyone here got a prosthetic leg for their dog (or cat) made in the UK? I'm in the north west, anyone know a vet who offers this service?

Or alternatively anyone made a prosthetic for their dog?
How old is the dog and what's his weight? All factors that will determine if he can manage,, if to big and old then I'd p.t.s. But that's me, just lost my dog from tumour in the leg but the vet did offer amputation but I declined as dog was 14.

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