I've been asked by an acquaintance interested in a forthcoming litter of pups what colours they are most likely to be and whether there are likely to be any blues. The litter has been sired by a fawn brindle with white trim, with I believe some blue brindling behind him, but no blue or black that she knows of. And the dam is also fawn (I think with white trim), but with quite a lot of black and blue behind her (the lady says one of her parents was black and white). Sorry I don't have their registered names ... this is all the information I've been given. I've tried to work it out for this lady but colour genetics are not my strong point. I've told her I think it's perfectly possible that there will be blues or blacks (probably with white trim or partis) but that probably they will mostly be fawns and brindles with more or less white ... am I right?