I have just recently got a cockapoo puppy, he is doing well so far but I think he is starting to get too attached to me so I am purposefully spending a little less time making a fuss of him and when he cries for attention i am not giving him any and I carry on with whatever I am doing. He is clever and is settling in well, toilet training is hard but he is getting there, every 2 hours like clockwork but I can't expect more from an 8 week old puppy! I try to leave him in the kitchen with his toys, water a comfy bed and leave a treat for him before I shut the door. I don't make a fuss just quietly leave...he goes into melt down, doesn't eat his treat and gets really worked up and distressed. One night by accident I left my shoes in the kitchen with him, he didn't make a sound and he settled for the whole night. Is leaving something with my scent on it a good thing to ensure he is calm or is it a bad thing that will result in him being worse when older?
Another problem we are having is when we go in the car, I am trying to get him used to being in the car as in a months time I am driving from the south of England to scotland and need to take him with me so I figured start early! one car ride every day to get him used to it.
He is put in a crate in the boot of the car with the seat down so he can still see us in the cab and he cries, barks and begins to really get distressed, i try giving him treats when he sits in the crate but he doesn't eat them and his favourite toy is in there and he isn't interested. If I persevere will it get better or will it make for a worse situation? We haven't crate trained him in the house as we didn't feel we needed to as he is very secure in the kitchen but maybe we missed the boat on that one for the purposes of the car!
I am off work for about another 2 weeks then back full time so any help would be appreciated as I just want him to grow up happy!
Thanks for reading!!
Another problem we are having is when we go in the car, I am trying to get him used to being in the car as in a months time I am driving from the south of England to scotland and need to take him with me so I figured start early! one car ride every day to get him used to it.
He is put in a crate in the boot of the car with the seat down so he can still see us in the cab and he cries, barks and begins to really get distressed, i try giving him treats when he sits in the crate but he doesn't eat them and his favourite toy is in there and he isn't interested. If I persevere will it get better or will it make for a worse situation? We haven't crate trained him in the house as we didn't feel we needed to as he is very secure in the kitchen but maybe we missed the boat on that one for the purposes of the car!
I am off work for about another 2 weeks then back full time so any help would be appreciated as I just want him to grow up happy!
Thanks for reading!!