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Puppy Racing


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I am hoping to take Jasper to Dorset Lurcher Racing at Shaftesbury next month, when he will have just turned 6 months. Hubby is concerned that he's too young to race (he's going to be big so is a fast grower) but as there is a puppy class specifically for 6-12 month olds can I assume that he'll be OK to run in this?

Also, I see that all dogs need to be muzzled - does this apply to puppy classes too? I'm not even sure whether they would run individually and be timed (in which case I'd have thought muzzles aren't needed) or in a group - in which case Jasper is just as likely to try to play with the other dogs as chase the lure.

If Jasper does have to wear a muzzle, presumably I need to get one now to accustom him to it, as I imagine they take some getting used to. If so, what sort would be best?

I've been told if we get there early he can have a trial run so should get some idea of if he's going to be a complete disaster :D
I wouldn't be in any hurry to race him,he's to young to run any distance yet.Be happy with keening him on the lure,and wait till he's older :thumbsup:
A gentle "fun run" to learn about the lure is ok at that age, but I wouldn't race him competitively yet.

He's still growing and it would be a shame to overdo it :thumbsup:
As hes still quite young and going to be a big lad - Personally it would depend on how keen he is to chase.. If hes not seen anything yet, I dont think it would hurt to give a short fun run by himself. By which your going to introduce him to the lure & not likely to cause any damage as he wont be giving it his all. Lure dosen't have to being going fast, you could start off by teasing and getting him striking the lure on very short distances. (could just use a teddy on abit of string)

With regards to muzzles I've just used what have been availably to buy off the internet and at gamefairs. I did have a thin wire muzzle but had to get rid as one of the dogs tend to do forward roles and caused a few cuts to the tounge and mouth area - so now just stick to the plastic ones.

Two of the dogs that I run at the minute that are litter brother & sister (24" & 21") both raced around 3-4 times as pups. Looking back I don't think either were ready, Little bitch struggled with second wind on the straights and when i did run her twice in one day shouldnt of done as her stamina was still weak. The dog was fast enough but hadnt matured or fully grown so was lucky not to of picked up an injury as he was very keen also. The dogs are nearly 4 and would truthfully say that the dog only properly found his feet well into his second year. My oldest bitch is 7 and still is very keen but was a late starter and hopefully still got a few years in the old girl.

Good luck for what ever you decide to do :luck: This is just my opinion ( would rather have a dog running at an old age rather than retired young due to injuries from over running) Be nice to here other peoples views on your position and there experiences from how they bought their dogs on.

I am hoping to take Jasper to Dorset Lurcher Racing at Shaftesbury next month, when he will have just turned 6 months. Hubby is concerned that he's too young to race (he's going to be big so is a fast grower) but as there is a puppy class specifically for 6-12 month olds can I assume that he'll be OK to run in this?
Also, I see that all dogs need to be muzzled - does this apply to puppy classes too? I'm not even sure whether they would run individually and be timed (in which case I'd have thought muzzles aren't needed) or in a group - in which case Jasper is just as likely to try to play with the other dogs as chase the lure.

If Jasper does have to wear a muzzle, presumably I need to get one now to accustom him to it, as I imagine they take some getting used to. If so, what sort would be best?

I've been told if we get there early he can have a trial run so should get some idea of if he's going to be a complete disaster :D

IMO your dog is far too young to start racing, I saw him in the flesh at the New Forest show & he a beautiful big boned boy, I would not even think about allowing him to chase a lure till at least 10mths, & then only about 50yds in distance, just to get the idea. And yes he would have to wear a muzzle, so that is another 'thing' he has to get use to, you cannot expect just to put one on him 'on the day'. It would be very easy to freak Jaspar over this.

It would be a mistake just to let him have a go, 99% chance of him playing with the other dogs. Both of you need to go & watch, let him keen, resist the temptation of having a trial. The Whitlocks who run the Dorset racing club, are experienced & I'm sure will give you guidance.

There are so many activities to enjoy with these wonderful hounds - excuse the pun, but please don't run before you can walk...........Take Jaspar to the racing & learn & enjoy !!!! :thumbsup:
in my humble opinion, he would possibly be running against 11 1/2 month old dogs who know what they are doing and he would try to keep up with the pack and overstretch himself, ask nicely if you can have a 'play run' to introduce him and tease him, the bigger they are the longer they take to develop.

enjoy watching and wait for the end of the summer to have a proper go, good luck whatever you decide xx
Thanks for your advice everyone - I shall take it :thumbsup: Tom, I like your comment that it's better for the dog to be able to run in old age rather than be pushed as a puppy and risk the health of the joints.

I've also realised that what I thought was puppy racing was actually the showing schedule so the races may not have puppy classes anyway :oops:

Already, towards the end of our walks, Jasper will often belt round a field just for the pure joy of it - probably not much more than 50 yards but he doesn't half shift (compared to the non-lurchers we meet there anyway!) - and I'm sure that's more than enough for him. He's really 'just' a pet and any racing, showing, agility, whatever we do will be purely a hobby so there's absolutely no reason to push him too far too soon.

We shall watch and learn...
Hi I'm Jen from Dorset Lurcher Racing.

Yes your dog is young to race but it's never to soon to let him watch and learn, we recommend tying a favourite toy on a string and letting him chase it at his own pace.

Pups are never allowed to race with other dogs until they are fixated on the lure, so no he wouldn't need a muzzle to start with.

Then we use reliable dogs such as Percy to take them up the course this is to stop them playing with other dogs.

As a dog that barges in my mind should be disqualified.

Please come along and see how we work on Sunday and next season is only a few months away.
Hi Jen :))

I'm hoping to come on Sunday to see what happens - I have a bit of a tight work schedule, but we'll see.... At the moment I can't imagine him not trying to play with another dog - whether the other dog wants to play or not :angry: - so he definitely needs to learn about the lure!

It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day too :thumbsup:
:unsure: Hi. One of the things we have learnt over the years is to teach our pups to chase the lure before you take them out lamping otherwise they won't bother with it.

If you can't make this Sunday come to the racing at The Town and Country Fayre at Motcombe nr Shaftesbury on June 13th. Terry says if you can be there for 10 o'clock you canlet your pup have a play with the lure before racing starts. Anyone else who has a pup or a novice dog can have a try out

between 10- 10.30.

Look forward to meeting you both. Jen

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