Well kids of school today due to the strike, I have fed and watered 7 kids all day and had a further 4 hanging around but did not need feeding. :wacko: Jasper also had his mate around to play who is a 7 month old lab, sorry no pics as did not have the camera. They run around that much they both pucked. :x :x Everybody now gone home and I have just cracked open a very large bottle of wine, when I entered the living room all was quiet. :wub: :wub:

Notice how he is rubbing his ear instead of his teddy, Jasper can't get enough (w00t) I'm sure that these two were seperated at birth o
Here is the proof they are always at it.

Notice how he is rubbing his ear instead of his teddy, Jasper can't get enough (w00t) I'm sure that these two were seperated at birth o
Here is the proof they are always at it.