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So can someone explain the difference between a Championship show, an Open show, a Limit show, a Companion show ... and any other type of show!!! Please!!! :)
Working from the bottom upwards!

A Companion show are those that you enter on the day and although they have classes for 'pedigree' and non-pedigree, the dogs do not necessarily have to be registered with the Kennel Club. CC and RCC winners are not eligible for entry

A Limited show is one that can be either a single breed only or an all breed show but entry is limited to members of the society running the show. Again, CC and RCC winners are not elibible for entry

Open Shows can also be single breed, group or all breed shows but are open to anyone. There are some 'Premier' Open Shows now where the Best of Breeds qualify for Crufts. I have a feeling that BIS and BPIS at normal Open shows also qualify for Crufts

Championship shows. These are the biggies. Again can be single breed, group(s) or all breed shows and entry is open to anyone. This is where the CCs that count towards becoming a champion are awarded and you qualify for Crufts from certain classes/awards.

I am sure there are all sorts of things I haven't covered but this is the basics
:D Or you can look at it this way........


These are were you start out in showing, for a few pounds, you can enter loads of classes win a rossette or two, bring home arms full of goodies ie dog food, toys etc.



Don't find many of these now adays but they are used for more practise. And you get to know a few people, all with lots of helpful hints.



A little more expensive, but hay ! you can afford it, but you better get a few more dogs as no one just takes one to these shows .



These are where us poor souls meet up week in week out, totally skint, paying out the pocket prices to have a snack and a cuppa .......all for what a BIT OF CARD BOARD.

Welcome to dog showind LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes but you and I have eventually got 3 bits of Green/white cardboard out of it!!! I
>These are were you start out in showing, for a few pounds, you can enter loads of classes win a rossette or two, bring home arms full of goodies ie dog food, toys etc.


Ah that's why I'm not hooked. :lol:

Companion shows

These are where you stand around in a ring with about 30 other people and their assorted puppies. It's almost terminally boring all that hanging around and you stand there wondering why you've come.

Miss them out. Open and breed club shows are much more fun. Breed classes are smaller at general open shows. So you aren't hanging around in the ring getting bored out of your mind for too long. You get to see more whippets (what other breeds do you want to see anyway :- " ) AND you get to meet more whippet people. Double that last comment for the breed club shows. Then you just might get hooked.

Biggest problem about champ shows are the cost, the clothing and the class sizes. But hopefully by this time you'll know enough people to be able to have a bit of a chat in the ring to take the bordom of waiting for your turn off.

I've just realised why I didn't get hooked I've not mentioned anything about rosette's. :b
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dessie said:
Yes but you and I have eventually got 3 bits of Green/white cardboard out of it!!!  I
:D I've got six actually LOL :p :lol:
Companion showsThese are where you stand around in a ring with about 30 other people and their assorted puppies. It's almost terminally boring all that hanging around and you stand there wondering why you've come.

Miss them out.

WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!

these are the training grounds for dogs and owners alike .

1) Watching these classes you will learn about ALL breeds , not just the one you are interested in , and broaden your knowledge of dogs and what the judges are looking for . Too many exhibitors just go in their classes and if they dont win go home :eek: How will you learn about your breed if you do that ?

2) at approx £1.00 per class they are the cheapest too

3) you dont just win `bits of card` with the occasional rosette but rosettes, and prizes too eg chew sticks , toys and dog food .

4)your dogs get to met lots of other breeds too

5) Theres now presure on winning eg qualifing for Crufts etc , Its FUN .

:oops: pressed add reply before I meant to

Also , dont RUN before you can WALK . too many people nowadays go straight into Championship shows , get despondant and dissapear from the show scene , . Muy advice start at the bottom , learn , train your dog as cheaply as poss and THEN move up to the other shows ;)
I feel enlightened!! :D

MORE QUESTIONS though!! :b

How do I find out about companion shows in the area?? (Are these generally listed in the dog magazines?)

Do any of the wins at open shows count towards becoming a champion?? (This is a general interest question!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Biggest problem about champ shows are the cost, the clothing and the class sizes
Clothing????!!!!! (w00t) :unsure: :wacko: :blink:
What are green & white bits of cardboard?

Are these CC's?

Haven't seen one of those.
emw said:
I feel enlightened!! :D
MORE QUESTIONS though!! :b

How do I find out about companion shows in the area??  (Are these generally listed in the dog magazines?)

Do any of the wins at open shows count towards becoming a champion??  (This is a general interest question!!!! :lol:   :lol:   :lol: )

Biggest problem about champ shows are the cost, the clothing and the class sizes
Clothing????!!!!! (w00t) :unsure: :wacko: :blink:
:D To find out about most Companion shows your are going to have to splash out £1.80 and buy one of the two doggie newspapers DOG WORLD or OUR DOGS out every friday.

No wins at Open show do not count toward becoming a Champion but can count towards a Junior Warrant that if you gain the nessersary 25 points you get your Stud Book number which qualifies you for cruft for the dogs life.

Yes at Champ show you are expected to be in your best togs LOL :lol:

And yes Green and white Cards are CCs but its the bigger size ones you want the little ones are nice but not the same ;) :- " :lol:
Millie said:
:D   To find out about most Companion shows your are going to have to splash out £1.80 and buy one of the two doggie newspapers DOG WORLD or OUR DOGS out every friday.
Haven't found anywhere that sells it so thought the only option was to get a subscription ... any recommendations for where I might be able to buy just one copy every now and then and not a whole year's worth!! :b

Yes at Champ show you are expected to be in your best togs LOL  :lol:
HOW SCARY! I thought they were supposed to be looking at the DOGS!!!! (w00t)

You are a fountain of knowledge!! :)
No problem

The companion shows ARE a good place to start, there is not as much pressure and you can learn an awful lot without spending a lot of money. If it costs you £1 to enter its not so bad if things dont go according to plan but if it has cost you £20 for a champ show and u stuff up it will soon put you off the showing game.

Try training nights and match nights combined with the companion shows to begin with and then when you are a little more confident go to the open shows.

We often take new puppies to companion shows to start with for the experience of being in a proper ring under show conditions.

Hope this helps
You can order Our Dogs and Dog World from your friendly neighbourhood newsagent. They may not stock them as a matter of course but they are not a problem for them to get as they are sale or return titles, so go ahead and ask for just a one off copy.

Trust me. I'm a newsagent! :*
Thanks AGAIN for that Dawn ,

In the list of shows was one for Ashover , which is run by the lady that you have to thank for introducing me to the world of dog showing :eek:

Her name is Vi Wilmot , I wasnt sure wether she was still alive or not :eek: sounds awful I know but she must be going on 70+.

Id taken Jemma :wub: , my greyhound to a local Exemption (now compamion) show as OH Rob was playing football as usual :angry: . With Vi judging and her help we won Best Sporting and I was hooked,

I didnt meet Vi again for many years when she brought into the ring a whippet bred by Roy Garner (Cristandra), :b but she remembered straight away my greyhound Jemma :wub:


I thanked her for starting me off with my hobby, and costing me lots of money :- " and making some great friendships along the way .

The fact that we should both have whippets i found quite amusing as when she judged she had German Shepherds :))

I bet youd like to shake her hand too wouldnt you Dawn ;) :huggles:
emw said:
Yes at Champ show you are expected to be in your best togs LOL  :lol:
HOW SCARY! I thought they were supposed to be looking at the DOGS!!!! (w00t)
Why spend ages getting your dog ready (OK so Whippets don't take as much preparation than some breeds) and then look like a scarecrow yourself? Wear an outfit that complements your dog.
With regard to your clothing - yes they are judging the dog - but it's also a matter of presentation.

You need to show that you care about the image of the whole package. You will not look very nice in dirty old singlet and shorts trying to show your dog off - it sends a message that you don't really care. I think you should dress nicely for any show. Do you care about the dog you are presenting? - then present him and yourself (because you are a team working together in the ring) to the best advantage.

I'll probably get criticised for this analogy but - When you go to a wedding - it's not you that is on show but the bridal party - but do you go in your dags or do you dress up? Why do you dress up? In honour of the occasion, to show that you care. Perhaps a better analogy would be at an Agricultural show with the lead in entries in cattle and horses etc. These people still dress in their good gear even though it is the animal that is being judged.

You should also take into consideration what colour you wear with your dog. The most obvious example is if you have a black dog, don't wear black clothes because when you have stacked your dog and are standing or kneeling beside it the dog will "disappear" into your clothes and the judge won't see a clean outline of your dog. If your dog is a fawn, don't wear beige etc. Wear a contrasting colour.

It's also not wise to wear skirts - especially ones that are short, too flowing (beware of the wind) or too tight. You are bending over and bending down a lot and and the view for the spectators on the outside of the ring can sometimes not be very pleasant. :x ;) Pants(trousers) are best.
i don't know if anyone mention this, but companion shows + family dogs shows also advertise in your local paper,pet shops and your at vets.the countryman's weekly is a good place to look as well as lurchers+terriers they often do companion+family shows :thumbsup:

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