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Racing Whippets Abandoned?


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Someone on a rescue list that I'm on has stated that they used to race whippets. They also just said that although many are pets first 'but some are just there for racing. I know it isn't as big as greyhound racing but there still are many whippets that are abandoned or just got rid of after their racing life is over'.

I've not heard of any KC reg whippets being abandoned because they can't race anymore. Am I wrong?
:angry: This makes me so effing mad and its such a load of rot. Bet if you told me their name I would never even have heard of them in racing.

I have heard of people who have packed in racing and have rehomed all their dogs but very, very rarely. Also a few people will pass on dogs after they have finished racing but again, rarely. Far, far more rarely than show dogs being passed on after thay have finished their showing life. I know of none that have just been abandoned - ever. I guess the owner would hardly advertise the fact but it's such a small world that people would soon find out and they would have a very hard job ever getting a racing bred pup ever again, such is the general dissaproval of such people by the whippet racing community.

I am off for a good scream in the dark. :angry:
I asked if the person who made the statement would feel comfortable naming names. They haven't replied.
I had to ring a rescue center a few years back while I was Secretary at the Northern as she was telling people to ring me as "racing people get rid when their to old to race or if they are not fast enough" I had a real go at her for it.

Ok you get the od dog re-homed if it's not fitting in the house 9fighting ect) but I certainly don't know anyone that would do it just cos their not fast enough? Jesus nobody would have any dogs.
:D I loved the comment, nobody would have any dogs!!! As Mark said, we all have car-loads of dogs, who will never in this life make a champion. There are 'racing' people who pass dogs on, for whatever stated reason, and they are out there. They may not abandon them, but pass them to a good home, but they certainly don't keep them if they can't/don't race. And they do buy in other dogs as and when they see fit. You don't, I don't, but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You breed dogs Mark, are you telling me you can't think of anyone to whom you would not sell a dog? ;)
Hi Carmel,

Head on the block time, do you just want me to answer or name names? :- " But in general those that would are few and far between.

Yes we all know the od few who do/would for what ever reason but it's not a recognised or accepted thing to do with the racing commuity on the whole.

but to answer your question yes there are the few I wouldn't sell a pup to but not just for the reason being descussed but for other reasons as well, I have refused in the past and will probably in the future refuse to sell to homes I don't like the sound of.

I always say that you cannot always gaurentee a pup is going to a good home but you can make sure they don't go to bad ones you know about.

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