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Raw Diet


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Well its been a few weeks and the raw diet just isn't happening :(

Inca just won't entertain it at all...she won't even look in the kitchen, let alone go in there... :oops:

Dippy tried it once and then just didn't bother after that...and she's a greedy little pup. :teehee:

Inca is used to chicken wings and will eat them til they come out of her ears and Dippy had her first one yesterday and really enjoyed it. :thumbsup:

The meat is diced into smallish you think thats the reason why they won't eat it. Would it be better off minced??

Does or has anyone had this problem??
if they never had it before they just do not know it is. i would at first mix little bit of meat into something they love, increase the amount of meat and then leave the other stuff out alltogether. :luck:
Thats what I was doing and they still wouldn't touch it...
hellybobs said:
Thats what I was doing and they still wouldn't touch it...
Are you standing over them watching? i would put the food down walk away, if they refuse take it up and make a show of throwing it in the bin and do not give anything else this generally works as they relise they are not going to get an alternative. This worked for my sisters fussy Airedale
hellybobs said:
The meat is diced into smallish you think thats the reason why they won't eat it. Would it be better off minced??
Does or has anyone had this problem??

I'm having similar problems with my Ibby, she's very fussy too, she can't afford to be though as she's very thin. I've found that she will eat mince (tripe) with vigour, necks go down a treat, wings took some persuading, but she won't touch the new abattoir meat that I've recently introduced, unless it's cooked! This new meat is diced and like you I was wondering whether it is the texture that's putting her off? I haven't got a mincer, so I can't really find out at the moment.

I've tried mixing her meat with: egg, oil, sardines, cat food, beans, gravy.................but all she does is pick out/lick off the yummy bits! I'm now reluctantly cooking the meat for her each day, with the hope of gradually reducing the cooking time, until it's raw. But she's very sharp and turns her nose up if it isn't cooked to her liking :wacko:

My other two hounds love it, so I know it's OK.

If you do find a better solution, please let me know :lol:
I've tried the walking away and ignoring and taking it up after usually 45 minutes and throwing it away...

Its a bit difficult when Inca won't even go in the same room as the food :blink:

Dippy on the other hand will eat around it and then walk away...

I've tried every trick in the book but had no success.

I've gone through numerous tins of sardines (Inca's absolute fav food), tins of tuna, raw name it and I've probably tried it :teehee:

I'm just concerned that if it goes on for much longer that they won't be getting enough to eat...especially the pup.
If things are that bad i"d forget about the raw food and go back to what they where eating before, then try mixing small amounts of raw food into it then slowly take away the food there used to and increase the raw until in the end all you have is raw, this may take a while but at least you"ll know there eating, if it still dosent work i"d give up on raw altogether.
Thats what I'm considering Paula...

They ate their :rant: chicken wings for dinner though (w00t)
Perhaps they just don't like that particular meat you are buying! I get my meat from Landywood and have gradually been trying all their different ones. Some of them go down a treat, others they don't like very much, others they don't like at all!
dessie said:
Perhaps they just don't like that particular meat you are buying!  I get my meat from Landywood and have gradually been trying all their different ones.  Some of them go down a treat, others they don't like very much, others they don't like at all!

I have found mine are exactly the same as yours Caroline :thumbsup:
I've thought that and I'm looking at getting something different for them.
Teya was like this half the time, and then I finally realised what it was. If I was serving chicken or beef mixes, she was fine. If I served a Lamb mix she wanted NOTHING to do wtih it. Still won't 2 years later.

So it might be the taste of something in particular.

However, if they're really not keen on it I'm a firm believer in you have to do what is best for you and your dogs, and in your case maybe Raw isn't it?

I'm going to give it another go but with a different type of meat and I'm going to get the minced type...tripe and chicken I thinking and see how that goes :thumbsup:

Fingers crossed it works :luck:
hellybobs said:
I'm going to give it another go but with a different type of meat and I'm going to get the minced type...tripe and chicken I thinking and see how that goes  :thumbsup:
Fingers crossed it works  :luck:

Now look here Hollybebs, why are u so adamant in giving your dog summat it doesnt want or like, theres nowt wrong with a decent complete, tins of sardines mixed with rice n pasta, tins of tuna, fruit, veggies, now when im stood at the sink scraping spuds, carrots, her eats the peelings, as for raw, oh yes she will eat it, but within minutes out it comes from both ends

midlanderkeith said:
hellybobs said:
I'm going to give it another go but with a different type of meat and I'm going to get the minced type...tripe and chicken I thinking and see how that goes  :thumbsup:
Fingers crossed it works  :luck:

Now look here Hollybebs, why are u so adamant in giving your dog summat it doesnt want or like, theres nowt wrong with a decent complete, tins of sardines mixed with rice n pasta, tins of tuna, fruit, veggies, now when im stood at the sink scraping spuds, carrots, her eats the peelings, as for raw, oh yes she will eat it, but within minutes out it comes from both ends


I have just replied to a similar post,regarding feeding raw,ours eat it but it just comes straight back again like Keith's dog's does,so I don't honestly see much point in persevering with something that your dogs are trying their best to tell you they don't like! Incidently one of our Whippets wont entertain ANYHTING raw either,it all has to be cooked including his veg,I guess they are all different and just because one eats something perfectly well does'nt necessarily mean the other/others will too.
Mine prefer minced to lumps, and also have likes and fads. Sometimes they just want tripe, other times won't touch it. Went through a rabbit phase, so I stocked up. Now prefer chicken and liver :wacko:

I just go with it and know they're getting a good mix because I'm offering a variety. Sounds like you're offering them pletny of alternatives :thumbsup: good luck with it, whatever you decide to do.
Thanks Helen...

All I'm trying to do is the best for my girls...if it means resorting back to the dried complete them so be it but I don't think there's anything wrong with me trying once more...

And I do't think I'm being "so adamant" Keith, its only been a few weeks since I first started them and if it doesn't work then fine it doesn't work.

And as for "I don't honestly see much point in persevering with something that your dogs are trying their best to tell you they don't like!" one has yet to try it and the other is only 15 weeks old so I don't think that comment is yet relevant.

Thank you anyway for you offers of advice :thumbsup:
hellybobs said:
Thanks Helen...
All I'm trying to do is the best for my girls...if it means resorting back to the dried complete them so be it but I don't think there's anything wrong with me trying once more...

And I do't think I'm being "so adamant" Keith, its only been a few weeks since I first started them and if it doesn't work then fine it doesn't work.

And as for  "I don't honestly see much point in persevering with something that your dogs are trying their best to tell you they don't like!" one has yet to try it and the other is only 15 weeks old so I don't think that comment is yet relevant.

Thank you anyway for you offers of advice  :thumbsup:

Hi hellybobs I had the same problem with Grace.She would not eat the raw pet meat but she will eat supermarket mince :blink: Dont know why.All I can say is persevere,you will know one way or the other.If you dont try you will never know.Best of :luck: The one thing I will say is that Grace had low thyroid levels whilst on a well known expensive complete food.She is now on raw and her thyroid level is now normal and she has stopped her meds :) my vet is still amazed (w00t) So I had good reason to carry on trying raw.Its worth it in the end :thumbsup:
Thank you for that...I was begining to feel like a bad person for keeping on trying with the raw food... :(

Glad to hear grace is doing so well on the raw diet :thumbsup:
graciepup said:
[Hi hellybobs I had the same problem with Grace.She would not eat the raw pet meat but she will eat supermarket mince :blink: Dont know why.All I can say is persevere,you will know one way or the other.If you dont try you will never know.Best of  :luck: The one thing I will say is that Grace had low thyroid levels whilst on a well known expensive complete food.She is now on raw and her thyroid level is now normal and she has stopped her meds :) my vet is still amazed (w00t) So I had good reason to carry on trying raw.Its worth it in the end :thumbsup:

I do not know what it is like over in UK but here all pet meat is soaked in something, which makes it smell strange. It is done so unscrupulous butchers could not ad it in meat for human consumption. But I can smell it and I am sure my dogs can too; I never had a dog that would eat it with enthusiasm. Therefore I only feed my dogs meat for human consumption from butchers or supermarket.

A dog that has not been fed raw meat may take some time to get used to the bacteria present in meat. Many years ago, almost 40, I had a friend who was a vegetarian. So was her family and therefore she was brought up on vegetarian diet from birth. In those times it was not widely acceptable to be a vegetarian and my friend was often offered meals that had meat in them. She felt too awkward to try to explain and on occasions just nibbled little bit. However, she found that even trace of meat in her food meant she will be violently sick afterwards. It was explained to her that normally we develop tolerance to the bugs in meat while we are babies, but as she never had meat during the early years she could not tolerate them.

I wonder if that is something similar with dogs fed exclusively on dry food.

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