Hi, I have just rehomed a 3 year old miniature dachshund-female, as you can imagine she is still getting used to her new setting etc. She has took to me really well and is really well trained, she is brilliant around people. She has been crying when I leave the room for example but she does settle. I took her out for a walk today to a park and she was occasionally barking at other dogs and pulling on her lead to go over, this one dog was off the lead and walking towards her, my dog went for her, I was absolutely mortified and so apologetic to the owner, luckily there was no damage done but I was so worried after that I carried her for the rest of the walk and she was shaking. The previous owner used to have her off the lead and she was absolutely fine with other dogs and stated she had never done this before. I am so worried to take her out now on a walk incase it happens again. Could this be stress related due to the change? She is so well behaved in the house etc. Any advice appreciated