Over the past few weeks Riley has started toileting in the house again. Until recently he was let out every hour or whenever he asked, but now he has stopped asking or goes outside for 10 minutes and comes in and pees somewhere. Or he wakes in the middle of the night, usually he whines and wakes you, then takes you to the door to be let out, now it's a case of taking himself off and peeing somewhere so you find it in the morning. I can't think of any reason he would of started this, or that we have changed his routine in anyway to cause this. The thing is he always seems to find somewhere quiet so we can't tell him off as we don't actually see he's doing it. It's not a contiual thing he isn't doing it every day, just for example, over a period of four days every fortnight.
He is also being a little b****r with recall, he will listen to me but if he's with anyone else he'll just stare at them with a "I don't think so" look. When I say he'll listen to me, I mean it takes him a few minutes to decide it's worth his while returning.
Oh and he wonders off too.
The recall and the wondering I can deal, went through it with Milo and I know it will settle down, but the pee/pooing is annoying me and any suggestions would be helpful
He is also being a little b****r with recall, he will listen to me but if he's with anyone else he'll just stare at them with a "I don't think so" look. When I say he'll listen to me, I mean it takes him a few minutes to decide it's worth his while returning.
Oh and he wonders off too.
The recall and the wondering I can deal, went through it with Milo and I know it will settle down, but the pee/pooing is annoying me and any suggestions would be helpful