under23WINNER rose mc coy DIEGO STAR beat eddie mc kirsty HUGO two very fast dogs and two brothers at tat breed by rose so well done rose dogs are credit to u..under24WINNER darren kenny wit CHAPEL LANE beat shane gilmartin dog blakie well done darren this is a very fast bitch so well done darren...WINNER consolation unders was neol delaney wit ROSE beatan kieran stone PEG well done neol ...consolation WINNER BIG DOGD yet again neol delaney won ere wit TEXAS beatan nigel o toole wit THE PUP well done neol wit your two winners which are both comrades...then we come to the OWEN [JUGGY RYAN] PLAQUE the WINNER john maher wit SCOOBY beatan his kennel mate SHANTEL own by john as well..CONGRATES john wit SCOOBY unbeatan 8 times in a row this is irelands best..we would like to thank land owner and or members who put in good work to run such a fantastic meeting and for those who traveled from far away we would like to thank ye for supporting this meeting yet again until the next time we wish ye all good racing and good helth thanks