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Royal Adelaide Show


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Well just abiut to leave for the show now. Goren Bodegard is the Judge. Will be interesting either way he goes.

So far all I have heard about him judging here was all the Black & Tan Dach. were last, & the clearer the red the better.

Will post results. (maybe).
Oooh - please do post the results Cartman. Will be interesting ... Good luck!
Judge Goran Bodegard.

Dog CC & BOB Gr. Ch. Auriway Metoo..... Fraser

Res CC & Ru. BOB Ch. Byerley Guy Laroche......Bratton, More & Griffith

Bitch CC Birranun Chilli Pepper.... Rudd

Res CC Ch. Piaffe Rapt in Ribbons .........Greenwood

I showed 2. & got 2 3rds. Well thats what happened.
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What's behind the CC bitch Cartman? I haven't heard of that one before.
aslan said:
What's behind the CC bitch Cartman?  I haven't heard of that one before.
Lana birrarun chilli peppa is out of ch kelona blue moon and swifthund blond bombshell and would of been 9 months 2 days old at the show,if i am wrong cartman will let you know :cheers: :huggles:
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Angus said:
aslan said:
What's behind the CC bitch Cartman?  I haven't heard of that one before.
Lana birrarun chilli peppa is out of ch kelona blue moon and swifthund blond bombshell and would of been 9 months 2 days old at the show,if i am wrong cartman will let you know :cheers: :huggles:
Spot on.......But let me tell you it would not of been allowed in the ring under me. :oops:
Cartman said:
Angus said:
aslan said:
What's behind the CC bitch Cartman?  I haven't heard of that one before.
Lana birrarun chilli peppa is out of ch kelona blue moon and swifthund blond bombshell and would of been 9 months 2 days old at the show,if i am wrong cartman will let you know :cheers: :huggles:
Spot on.......But let me tell you it would not of been allowed in the ring under me. :oops:
Thought I should say something about the "oops" comment.

I stand by the comment that under me I would not allow that bitch on the day to be shown under me. OR ANY OTHER WITH THE SAME PROBLEM. The bitch had a 5" X 2" shaved area on the off show shoulder. It was very visible from the stands. A lump had been cut out of it, & a inssion line complete with stitch marks were also present. The area was full of fluid. It was like a water filled baloon under the scard area.

A judge should not touch this , cross infection etc, & yet it was an area that the hands should go over.

If there was still Vetting it would not of been allowed in.

That it the reason why I would not allow that exhibit into the ring, or any other exhibit that "could" be a danger to other or itself.

I would not entertain showing with a problem like this.

I was not refering to the exhibit in any other way.

Hope this puts some light on the matter.
It's annoying when people get so competitive that their regard for their dogs welfare's "forgotton" about :( .......I've seen off colour dogs being dragged round the ring befor, but i've also seen injured dogs re-raced ..........Its just a shame people don't always step back and look at what they are doing :- "
Hannah, I think you are right. Not untill you said it I can now recall many dogs of several breeds being draged around. Even seem one that had its eyes half closed. It was almost asleep on its feet.
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o:) I will plead guilty to showing a dog with an injury on 2 occasions on the same weekend. About 9 or 10 years ago I think. I was scheduled to do a three shows over a three day weekend. Two days before we were to leave Cody(by best Vizsla dog) got into a scrap with his son and came off the worse of the two with a rip on the back of his off show side front leg (a hole about the size of a twenty cent piece). The vet said it could not be stitched and put him on anti biotics and anti inflammatories, this was on Wednesday. I went on the week end but took him with me to keep him away from his son as my OH was not always vigilent and didn't want more injuries to occurr while I wasn't there.

I did not show him at the Friday show. But while toileting him on Saturday morning I noticed that he wasn't limping and was moving as well as ever. So I deceided to show him at the next two shows. It turned out to be a good decision.

We went home with 2 Best in Group, 1 Best in Show & 1 Reserve Best in Show.

And his leg healed up with hardly a scar and no infection. The only person who complained about it was the exhibitor of the Reserve in Group dog on the Saturday. :- " :teehee:
:D Cartman, you are most truely forgiven for your oop's. I must also say I agree with you whole heartedly on this matter.

Anyway I would forgive most people today as yesterday my bitch Ch. Cherubz Foxxxy Lady won the group and Intermediate in show.

She was shown by her breeder Glenda Goller.

Today they teamed up again and went Best Exhibit In Show. :thumbsup: Jill
oakway said:
:D Cartman, you are most truely forgiven for your oop's. I must also say I agree with you whole heartedly on this matter.Anyway I would forgive most people today as yesterday my bitch Ch. Cherubz Foxxxy Lady won the group and Intermediate in show. 

She was shown by her breeder Glenda Goller.

Today they teamed up again and went Best Exhibit In Show. :thumbsup: Jill
:cheers: Congratulations Jill. Sounds like a bloody good weekend!!!!!!

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Congrats to you both Jill and Glenda- she is a very nice bitch!!

:D Hi Kerry,

To bloody right.

I shall enjoy it........ they only come along once in a while these days. Jill :teehee:

Thanks for the nice words. I don't care if she dosn't win. She is a great pleasure to live with. Jill
Beenleigh Agricultural Society 11.9.04 = Breed and group judge P. Jermey General Specials George Minchington

Darling Downs Kennel Club 12.9.04 = Breed and group judge Miss. C. Ryan

General Specials Judge Peter Jermey.

I worked yesterday and stayed home today. Seems my presance (sp) on the ground upsets the child............I wonder why o:) Jill

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