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Freddie just had a huge seizure. Vet office opens in literally two min so I’m gonna call in a second. Things he’s injested since the vet.

Had his seresto flea collar properly fitted.
Bordetella vaccine

The only thing that Google is stelling me can cause seizures is the seresto collar and the bordetella. But this is all literally 12 hours after admitting it. I cut the collar off just to be safe though.

Freaking out right now.
Just got off the phone with the vet. He’s not worried. According to him we don’t always have a clear reason why dogs seize and given that Freddie is a new rescue we don’t know what his triggers are yet. He’s recommending a log and trying to track it. He didn’t think it was the seresto but given that it’s already off he has a friendlier flea medicine to dot between his shoulder blades. He also said we might as well give him a vitamin for his anemia. He said it’s only an emergency in the future if he has a cluster of seizures. More than two or three in a month. Or if the actual seizing lasts more than a minute or two.

Still. Scariest moment of my life.
I feel your pain. My dog had a seizure a couple of months ago, we put it down to him being on Metronidazol. But of course that was only after reading, at the time we just didn't know.

Hopefully it will be a one-of (for both of them).

And meantime, (((hugs))) for you.
I feel your pain. My dog had a seizure a couple of months ago, we put it down to him being on Metronidazol. But of course that was only after reading, at the time we just didn't know.

Hopefully it will be a one-of (for both of them).

And meantime, (((hugs))) for you.
Thanks. It’s just been a lot lately. May 2 our house burned down and Bax died and Joel almost got killed. Two weeks later I got Covid. Two weeks after that I sprained my ankle. Two days after that Freddie has a seizure. It’s just starting to feel a little personal you know!?!? lol
Sending hugs and kind thoughts too, you have had more to deal with in a few weeks than most would experience in a life time... wishing you all a quiet, peaceful, uneventful time now to give you all a chance to catch your breath...!
@Shalista, you maybe know about trigger stacking in dogs but it happens to humans too. Can you take some time out to decompress?
@Shalista, you maybe know about trigger stacking in dogs but it happens to humans too. Can you take some time out to decompress?
Out of work for a week with this sprained ankle. It’s just hard to decompress in a house that isn’t your own you know?
It's hard to decompress when you've been though all the things you have. I'm rubbish at suggesting things because I'm ”that person” who hates massages, music, meditation etc, but just try to take some YOU time, whatever that looks like. Slow right down, however works for you.
It's hard to decompress when you've been though all the things you have. I'm rubbish at suggesting things because I'm ”that person” who hates massages, music, meditation etc, but just try to take some YOU time, whatever that looks like. Slow right down, however works for you.
Yeah its hard because one of my best ways to decompress is to go out. so we went to the circus tonight and cheered and laughed till we cried and forgot about all our trials... and then came home to a plaintively wailing dog that lost his very last marble as soon as we walked through the door. Its hard with freddies separation anxiety to really get out and unwind because we know we're basically torturing him leaving him home alone.
Unfortunately, leaving him home alone before he is ready will make his SA worse, and undo all the work you do with flitting, putting shoes on and off, etc. As I've said, the key is always to aim to work within his comfort zone. Of course, you do have to balance this against your own mental state. Maybe you and Joel could go out separately, with friends?
Or maybe have some one with a super calm nature sit with Freddie for company whilst you take time out. If this is possible, have them come round, hang out and meet him a few times first to see how he takes to them.

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