:blink: :angry: just like to say about a few rumours ive heard re the track :teehee: the track being raced on at the moment is not going to be the open track.we are doing the track now its taken 1oo tonnes of sub soil to level of rough at finish end,going to take at least another 20 tonnes top soil and we are going to turf the track rather than seed it t make sure it be ready alot sooner.so as you can imagine alot of time and money is being put in to this track and to hear rumours about track is not good gets right up my nose when some are putting alot of time and money to make it right.so to them spreading the rumours ill say do one of 3 things if it bothers you that much option 1 put youre hand in youre pcket and chip in option 2 get down and help with the work or option 3 just do nothing and shut youre mouths till its ready then judge it :thumbsup: