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Skinflint ...


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I know that the best way to find out about dog shows in my area is to buy one of the dog magazines - but they seem to be quite pricy and I'm a skinflint! :- "

So - can anyone tell me whether there are any shows coming up within reach of Gloucestershire that I might want to enter Fergal in (the smaller the better at this stage I imagine!!) :)

Also - a dumb question :b - the kennel club have a long list of shows on their website, and most of them are breed club shows - will these only be for that breed or will they be for all breeds??

Thats very good Dawn , :b

Go to the top of the class :cheers:
THANK YOU Dawn!! :) :) :)

That's just brilliant - exactly what I was looking for!

Now I have to pluck up the courage to phone some of the people to find out more (w00t) (I HATE phoning :( - I will probably try and persuade hubby to phone them :- " - the number of times I get him to phone people and I tell him what to ask, and he hasn't a clue what's going on but he does it anyway - what a star!! :wub: )

PLUS I will need to find out which k9ers might be going - I think I'm going to need some support for my first show as I haven't a clue what I'm doing!!! :b

So for starters - is anyone going to any of these shows ...?

13/11/04 Cheltenham & District Canine Society

14/11/04 Stroud District Canine Society

21/11/04 Gloucester & District Canine Society

And do you know anything more about them???
emw said:
I know that the best way to find out about dog shows in my area is to buy one of the dog magazines - but they seem to be quite pricy and I'm a skinflint! :- "
This did make me laugh!! :D

Not sure if you will enjoy the showing world if you don't want to splash out the money on a dog magazine ;) - Showing is notoriously pricey - mind you once the bug has bitten, that'll be it - no money to do anything :p

Why don't you come down to South West Whippet in September? (Or have I already tried to convince you to do that? - memory is a little poor!) Its not TOO far from you and its a really good day out. Entries haven't closed yet and its really friendly so ideal for a novice :D
In addition to Dawn's list -

The Whippet Club have an Open Show Nr Aylesbury, Bucks on Sept 25th, entries close 28th Aug.
JOE said:
emw said:
I know that the best way to find out about dog shows in my area is to buy one of the dog magazines - but they seem to be quite pricy and I'm a skinflint! :- "
This did make me laugh!! :D

Not sure if you will enjoy the showing world if you don't want to splash out the money on a dog magazine ;) - Showing is notoriously pricey - mind you once the bug has bitten, that'll be it - no money to do anything :p

Why don't you come down to South West Whippet in September? (Or have I already tried to convince you to do that? - memory is a little poor!) Its not TOO far from you and its a really good day out. Entries haven't closed yet and its really friendly so ideal for a novice :D
Yes - you're right - I'll probably be remortgaging the house once the bug has bitten!! :D :D :D

No - you haven't tried to convince me about South West Whippet. Tell me more! When? Where? How? :)

(I MUST get back to those ringcraft classes with Fergal the Tigger - had a bit of a break to have a baby! :b )
Great! It is held at East Bridgwater Community School in Bridgwater (funnily enough!)

Saturday 18th September, its an Open show, judging starts at 10am - lots of classes and lots of cakes :p If you want a schedule contact Ann Vickerstaff, 01209-821979. Its definitely worth a trip down and quite a few K9'ers go usually. Entries close on the 18th August, so still have a bit of time.

Good excuse for missing ringcraft classes ;) :D We'll let you off this time... :p

How old is Fergal now?
BOTHERATIONS!! :( We're probably on holiday then (ironically near Bodmin - but I don't think I'll persuade anyone else that they want to spend a day of holiday at a dog show :- " ). (Although if I major on the CAKES argument .... :- " )

Fergal is getting on for 8 months - I should attempt another stacked piccie of him soon! :wacko:

When we went to a fun dog show the other day he wouldn't stand still when the judge went to examine him :- " - I've been practising standing him and looking at his teeth and stuff ... any other tips??? :unsure:
Here he is! I'm not sure I've got him stretched out enough ...

Edited to say all comments/observations good/bad/indifferent extremely welcome!! :D

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Hmmm - not sure if the silence is a good thing or a bad thing! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
You havent' got him stretched out quite far enough behind.

Also you need to stack him on something that is flat - dunno if the seat is? and not with slats in. ;) Now you'll say that the seat is flat and doesn't have any slats but is one continous piece. :lol:

Lyd goes to Cheltenham and District ringcraft so should be at that show and might be going to the others. Both Chelt and Glos shows tend to be at the 3 counties show ground. (probably won't be as I've said that) :b

There used to be a companion show at the YMCA? in Gloucester every Saturday somewhere near to the Rugby ground.

Sorry to be so vague but Lyd should know these things for definite once she's recovered from the bump on the head. :- "

I do know that there are some other show folks from your area that come on this board. But they don't sign in and so never comment. There are always more guests than members on here.
The photo seems to be taken at a slightly upward angle which makes him appear rather tall and leggy - not sure if he is - could well be at eight months - they do some funny things when they're growing.

But, if you don't mind, could you try doing another one with him standing on a nice piece of level ground and take your picture from dead straight - neither up towards the dog or down on him? And yes, move his hocks a tad further back. :)
THANK YOU - will try another piccie - more stretched out - camera straight on - and no nasty slats!! :lol:

So Lyd - how's the bump on your head? And do you know anything about the Gloucester YMCA?? :D :D :D
Sorry, missed out on this post, been away camping in Cornwall for the weekend!

Completely agree with Lana, stack on something nice and flat and take the photo completely level with him, you see so many photos of dogs from too high makes them all look stocky and short legged - but here you have achieved the opposite! :p . Fergal does look quite leggy but as Lana says this is completely normal and if a pup didn't look leggy at some point between 6 months and a year, something would be a bit wrong!

I find for teaching them to stay still, it really is a case of lots of practice, I always stack them on the dining room table as pups and get any visitors to go over them and then they get a treat at the end, lengthen this each time and eventually it will come together. I also teach mine to free stand instead of sit as a pup and they soon catch on if they stand rock solid still they get a treat (it doesn't have to be perfectly stacked). BTW don't stack on a dining room table unless you are prepared to come downstairs and find whippets stood on there quite a lot! :p
Could we see him the other way round, i.e. his right-hand side to the camera? I personally would not stretch him too much further out behind as you have his back pasterns already pretty much perpendicular. He is rather 'legs & wings' but this is to be expected at his age, the same as Rupert in the Whippet Funday thread.
Hi EMW, I've got schedules for Chelt and District Open Show, if you want one,send me your address and I'll pop it into the post for you.I might be at the show,stewarding or something.Wont be entering my whippies under the whippet judge.

Recieved a schedule for Stroud the other day,not entering that one either,if I haven't binned it,I'll send you that one as well.

Now Gloucester and District,excellent judge,definitely entering that one,I'll see you there :D .

I am finding taking stacked piccies using the self timer on the camera very tricky!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway - here is my best attempt for today! :b

Couldn't get one facing the other way - will try again soon!!

Lyd - THANK YOU! - I will PM you my address!!

:D Looking better Estelle.........but you need to get his head down :thumbsup:

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